Out & About Autumn 2021
With concerns about the environment rising up the political agenda ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow this November, staff at the Community Furniture Project were interested to read a recent report published by the Green Alliance Thinktank. Rising up the political agenda
The report concludes that a huge effort is needed to promote a ‘circular economy’ where waste is minimised by promoting reuse and repair. Chief Executive, Kelvin Hughes, commented “We are proud to have been an early pioneer of the ‘circular economy’ 21 years ago, when our charity was established. Every year since then we’ve prevented thousands of items from ending up in landfill by enabling them to be donated, repaired and recycled.” The CFP’s premises include workshops for repairing used electrical goods, furniture and bicycles before they are put out for sale in the shop. As well as helping the environment, their activities also benefit disabled and disadvantaged adults and young people in the local area, who can learn new skills and gain accredited qualifications by volunteering with the charity. CFP is always grateful for donations of used furniture, electrical items and household goods, which can be dropped off at the shop in Bone Lane, Newbury, or at their collection point at the Newtown Road Recycling Centre. Their van crews are also happy to collect larger items. Please call them on 01635 43933 to arrange a collection.
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