Out & About Autumn 2021
Out&About wellbeing
Lessons learned from Covid Member of the Mental Health Action Group and Healthwatch West Berkshire Voluntary Board member ADRIAN BARKER looks at the findings of the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on people’s mental health C ovid has been exclusively bad for people’s mental health, right? Wrong! Actually there is a big
variation in whether, and how much, people have been affected. That was the lesson – since backed up by national research – from the fifth public ‘Thinking Together’ event organised by Healthwatch West Berkshire & The Mental Health Action Group, a sub group of The West Berkshire Health and Well Being Board. It brings together people with mental health problems, those who support them, the voluntary sector and the professionals from health, council and other services tasked with helping them get more balance to their Mental Health and manage their condition. Even if the experience of lockdowns was negative overall, most people found at least something positive. It could have been avoiding the commute or the stresses of going into work, it could have been having time to stroll in the many woods or countryside, that West Berkshire has to offer or it could be the community spirit and
neighbourliness that the pandemic threw up. However, overall, for the majority of people the experience was negative. For many there was concern at the encroaching epidemic or the loss of loved ones. Most people missed the opportunity to see friends and family face to face. The loss of income or trying to work from home while home-schooling children created additional stress.
word, was the increased use of technology for communications. Again, there were positive and negative aspects. For many, while not perfect, it did at least mean people could meet up again. It also cut down on the travel time for meetings. But for others, and especially those with existing mental health problems or (according to national research) those over 65, communicating via the computer actually made things worse rather than better. So there’s a lot to learn, not just for the next pandemic when – not if – it comes, but
also for everyday life. We need to build on the good things like neighbourliness and enjoying nature. Get rid of the bad things, like unnecessary stress at work. And we need to build on the innovations, like making better use of technology – but only where it works for people. But above all, we have to plan for the fact that everyone is different. If you’d like to find out more about Healthwatch West Berkshire’s Thinking Together events go to www. HealthwatchWestBerks.org. uk or call 01635 886 21.
The point is that how people were affected
depended on the particular permutation of interlocking factors – your job (or
lack of it), whether you have children at home, your living conditions,
personality and any existing mental health conditions. However, we didn’t just react to the pandemic, we found ways to deal with it. Perhaps the most obvious method, and the one that made Zoom a household
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