Flower and Wedding Marquee Head into the brand new Flower and Wedding Marquee for all your event needs, meet our traders and take the opportunity to discuss your ideas and even book something you like the look of. Our Traders can give you inspiration and guidance about your event and what they as individuals have to offer, some of our traders may even have some items you can purchase. Take a breath and soak up our Wedding Dresses and Suits during one of our three Catwalk Shows as Toastmaster Martin Strong comprises each event to give you a rundown of what you are looking at, see something you like? Head over and speak to the suppliers once the catwalk has finished. Once you’ve finished planning you big event how about heading down and checking out our wonderful Displays • How creative and successful were our 3 – 11 year olds with their Grass Heads? • Which is your favourite Floral Art Display? • Take a look at all the wonderful fruit, vegetables & flowers on display with the Grow Your Own & Inter Village competitions. • Have a look at the wonderful Home Produce Class, could you compete next year? • Fancy having a go at growing your own produce head over and chat to The National Allotment Society. Like the look of the classes keep an eye out for 2020’s class information. Have a Go: Come and visit Berks, Bucks & Oxon Area of NAFAS and have a go at making your own button holes a fantastic activity for both adults and children alike. Children can visit our colouring table and pick a colouring sheet of their choice, this can give you five minutes to chat to any of our traders. (Please do you remember to keep an eye on your child)
Thank you to the following for their kind sponsorship The Swan at Streatley Veolia Pro Grow for the School Planter Competition
Moonraker Discos for providing the catwalk, sound system and lighting. The Wedding Dress Barn for the gorgeous Wedding Dresses on the catwalk Suits Newbury for the fantastic suits on the catwalk Buttercups and Daisies for providing the lovely bouquets and button holes for the ‘brides & grooms’ Also a big thank you to Helen Sarah Pictures, MH Cosmetics, Eclipse Hair, Fizz Hire and The Wedding Package Company for helping to make the Marquee and our models look fantastic.
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