Be sure not to miss: • A Saw Mill Display: see this saw bench with a 3 foot saw blade slicing trees into planks and stakes. • A Threshing Machine: this threshes corn sheaves, separating the grain from the stalks and husks ready for the flour mill. The left over stalks are carried by elevator to the stationary bailer to be compacted into straw bales. The whole process will be demonstrated just as threshing contractors would have worked in the past. • A Selection of Steam Engines, including “Maggie”, the oldest Steam Engine in Europe, if not the world, and built by Richard Hornsby in 1878. • A number of working Tractors, which will be driving around cutting, spreading, raking, and bailing hay/straw. • Keep a look out for a few Historic Tractors, some dating back to at least 1919 to celebrate 100 years of production. This year we have a Fordson model and County Tractors which both celebrate 90 years of Agricultural Machinery. • Two Road Rollers with a number of miniatures. • “Atlantia”: An impressive Agricultural Engine built by Clayton and Shuttleworth in 1910. • A fantastic selection of Vintage and Classic Discerning cars. • Hopefully if the sun is shining we will carry out incredible tractor rides throughout the day from some of the oldest tractors in the world!
A section not to be missed! Fun for all the ages: a retelling of memories for us all in this educating display of machinery and tools. Take a step back in time and see for yourself the machinery of the past through a whole new perspective The Vintage Area is back and better than ever for this year’s Show. Vintage Area
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