Dog Zone Vetschoice +447990441414 jack.clarke@vetplus.co.uk
Whiskered Away +447724779299 caldervaman@gmail.com Whiskered away novelty pet carriers for dogs cats and other furry friends!
Vetschoice offers a range of pet essentials, from dental care to shampoo and joint support.Vetschoice is exclusively available in vet practices or at pet events.
West Berkshire Gun Dogs +447525220582 wirewolf1@gmail.com The chance to Have A Go Scurrying.
Countryside Area
Berkshire Ornithological Club +447543800921 godden_robert@yahoo.com Educational stand. Berkshire Ramblers +447983748945 publicity@berkshireramblers.org.uk www.berkshireramblers.org.uk Besom Brooms +447761596616 adam@adamking.com A traditional demonstration of Besom making, carving and wooden flower making Butterfly Conservation 07796170689 grahamehawker@hotmail.com British Deer Society +447903074730 roedoe@uwclub.net A charity promoting conservation in balance with the environment through a programme of education, reserach, deer managment training.
Huxley- Sticks +447551919434 arg.huxley@uwclub.net Demonstration of manufacturing and finished sticks to purchase. Innovation for Agriculture +442476692470 emilys@rase.org.uk www.i4agri.org.uk No products or services will be sold on the stand. Information regarding the importance of reducing the use of antibiotics on the farm will be given, including information of sensor technologies Kennet Valley Wood Turners +441488658168 cmal@btinternet.com Wood Turner Mark Roberts Stonewaller +447854148804 markrobertswaller@gmail.com Stonewaller National Hedge Laying Society +447810768098 claire_maymon@yahoo.co.uk Trailer display of live hedges, gazebo with display material & live hedge plants to identify. Neil Taylor +447526332851 neiltaylorfurniture@gmail.com www.neiltaylorfurniture.co.uk Chairs, Benches & Stools Newbury Community Resource Centre 0163543933 joe@cfpnewbury.org Pond dipping Newbury District Ornithological Club +447796605016 glsdroversdale@gmail.com Educational stand. North Wessex Downs Landscape Trust +441488685440 clairemccorquodale@northwessexdowns.org.uk www.nwd-landscapetrust.org.uk Information on the AONB. Portsmouth Reptile & Amphibian Society 07788542876 dave.hayden@nelworld.com Ray Prior Falconry
Calleva Stickdressers 01635200684 mannich@waitrose.com Demonstrating stick making.
Chiltern Country Supplies +447901824662 chilterncountry@yahoo.co.uk
Hand carved horn sticks, antler wood sticks, horn giftwear, horn mugs and drinking horns, teaching DVDs by Alan, shooting sticks, whistles /lanyards, plus a small amount of hats, coats, neck gaiters, ties and accessories. Don Carter +441635522382 Woodspoiler Fowler & Sons Master Thatcher 07770593681 steve@roofthatching.co.uk
Thatching demonstration Gordon D Ward +441635299183 wendy.louise.ward@talktalk.net Artistgordondward@co.uk original acrylic paintings Hants & Berks Ferret Club 011893486992 s-tripp@sky.com Ferret Racing Hollington Forge 01635 255455 nick@forgehollington.co.uk Blacksmithing
01635 200545 raypriorfalconry@fsmail.net Riverdale equine services +441635863199 riverdaleequine@hotmail.com Master saddlers. South Downs Oak 01962 435001 mark@southdownsoak.co.uk Oak framed buildings.
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