Countryside Area
Special Branch Sticks +447712445869 raypeterburton@gmail.com Stickmaker. The British Association for Shooting and Conservation +447720509299 michelle.nudds@basc.org.uk Educational stand with a shooting simulator The Canal and River Trust +447584447237 phil.groom@canalrivertrust.org.uk Educational stand The Leatherworker +447778374683 theleatherworker@gmail.com theleatherworker.com Belts, bags, purses, wallets, champagne coolers, beer tankards, bookmarks, key rings, phone pouches The Mole Show +447711162340 itsthemoleshow@aol.com A combination of education and entertainment brings you history & advice about the humble mole The Outside +447958772240 theoutsideinfo@gmail.com www.theoutside.org.uk We display and sell rainbows of coloured wools and silks for craftspeople and a colourful range of small items of clothing. The Saints Sled Dog Rescue 07894 073735 n.spicer@sky.com The Stick Smith +447814487578 dave@thesticksmith.co.uk Hazel, willow and birch gifts.
The Woodland Trust +441752249758 rebecca@working4wildlife.org www.woodlandtrust.org.uk Charity information, memberships. Watson Hurdles +447810715184 watsonhurdles@gmail.com Traditional hurdle making Weel Wright 01404861340 Wildlife Trust
+447966206220 amy@thewildlifetrusts.co.uk www.BBOWT.org.uk An information stand promoting the work of the Trust. Offering advice on wildlife gardening, volunteering and membership with the Trust. Information on the Children’s Watch Club. Wilkins Cider +447799227383 bay@ciderisus.com ciderisus.com Traditional cider. Wessex Waterways Restoration Trust +447768771264 dg.small@gentle-highway.org We are a Charity set up to undertake restoration projects of over 60 miles of canal in Berkshire and Wiltshire. Winson Woodcraft +447770376156 clive@winson-woodcraft.co.uk Rural crafts.
Woodhaydown Gundogs 01635 522262 jonchamberlain@fsmail.net Working for Wildlife TA Plantlife +441752249768 plantlife@working4wildlife.org www.plantlife.org.uk Information and awareness.
Craft Marquee
Stand No
Stand No
A Sign Of Something
Busy Bee Products Ltd
+447986501265 seashorecollection@hotmail.co.uk Original artwork on Welsh slate. Amanda Dansie Handbags
+441425623201 admin@busybeeproducts.co.uk 100% natural handmade products using honey and/or beeswax.
Carry on Clothing
+447850258381 amanda@amandadansie.co.uk Handmade handbags and accessories from soft leather and fabrics. Ashley Vincent Photography +447769816904 ashley@ashley-vincent.com A collection of photographic artwork by internationally acclaimed wildlife photographer Ashley Vincent. Bespoke by Kim 2 +441491671510 kim@bespokebykim.co.uk Bespoke by Kim handmade fine jewellery using Gold & Silver, and high quality ethically sourced gemstones. Each piece is unique and made +447793944583 sales@bowbrookstudios.co.uk Hand made wildlife figurines made of cold cast bronze. Broadlands Pottery +441452831592 info@broadlandspottery.co.uk Broadlands Pottery is a handmade ceramic gift company based in Gloucestershire, we handmake ceramic gifts for all occasions. 18 using traditional techniques. Bowbrook studios 25
+447774189115 sales@carryonclothing.co.uk Weatherproof coats, jackets and hats with co-ordinating leisurewear and accessories.
Charlotte England Artist
+447902610166 england.charlotte@gmail.com Original artwork inspired by wildlife and narrative.Work created by Charlotte in the heart of Somerset.A range of childrens illustrative prints, country artwork, greeting cards and a new kitchen range for this year.
Christine Gilbert Designs
+441576203578 candrgilbertdesigns@gmail.com Ladies boiled wool jackets and accessories, designed for comfort and style.
Christopher Marshall
+447941092264 cahmarshall@hotmail.com Watercolour artist, specialising in dogs. Limited and open edition prints available and private commissions undertaken.
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