Thursday, September 13, 2018
Dauntsey ’s Newbury Weekly News
THE Manor is Dauntsey’s Lower School boarding house for girls and boys aged 11 to 14 years old. As a co-education house, boys and girls study, socialise and eat together, forming friendships that often last a lifetime. As The Manor is a five minute walk from the main school site and set in 65 acres of grounds and woodland, pupils are free to enjoy their childhood for that bit longer. Housemistress at The Manor Anne Sampson has a promise she makes to all boarders in her care: I promise I will n encourage you to read a book for at least 10 minutes before bedtime n check you have packed your bag for school the night before and recheck before you leave in the morning in case gremlins have removed your books in the night n bake you a cake on your birthday, make sure you wear the Manor birthday hat, get the whole house to sing to you – and that includes the staff n welcome your pet hamster, guinea pig, gerbil, fish or budgie to come and live with us – but not your cat, dog, snake or chin- chilla n help and encourage you with your prep, but will not do it for you n get up in the night if you are not feeling well – you just have to knock on my door n organise fun things to do from ballroom dancing to zip-wiring
Downe House
box are all key. At Downe House, girls are encouraged to develop their individuality and spirit through exploring opportunities provided beyond lessons in, for example, sport, the creative and performing arts and the wide-ranging co-curricular programme. The girls’ understanding of the world and awareness of their place in it, is supported by a Global Schools’ Exchange Programme, as well as involvement with more than 20 local, national and international charities. Girls in Year 8 spend a term in Veyrines, France, the school’s fourth lower-school boarding house. This remarkable experience includes being taught in French and immersion into life in a working village. The legacy of this special term shines through
this year’s exceptional French GCSE results. Downe House is constantly evolving to keep pace with life in the 21st-century, yet care for the girls remains constant – threaded through the fabric of the school is an exceptional pastoral care programme where the housestaff make each house a home-from-home and every girl has the support of an academic tutor. Mrs McKendrick sums up: “We aim to give our students a strong sense of self-belief and a sense of what is possible – this is only achieved by giving them opportunities and by creating a safe and caring environment in which to grow. “A girl’s academic journey should be an adventure with many opportunities outside the classroom complementing those within.”
THIS summer, Downe House Sixth Form celebrated superb A-Level results – 90 per cent of girls achieved A*-B grades and all the results showed a consistently high level of performance enabling the girls to move on to leading UK and worldwide universities. Headmistress Mrs Emma McKendrick explains: “This was a remarkable set of results, however, alongside our strong academic ethos, we never lose sight of the fact that these are just part of a girl’s development. “With so many enrichment and co-curricular opportunities available to the girls at Downe, we believe that this balance is crucial.” This emphasis on academic success is implicit, yet is not enough to prepare pupils fully for their life ahead. Creativity, problem-solving and the ability to think outside the
in the woods, to movie nights or baking cakes n get you to bed early if you are grumpy and tired n remind you every night to hand your phone in, brush your teeth and put out your clothes for washing n call your parents if you get into trouble, but I will also let them know that you are not the first – and won’t be the last
n support you in your music, drama and sport – particularly if your parents can’t make it n be someone you can trust and confide in And, most important of all… n make sure there is always hot chocolate when you come back from school. To find out more, please go to
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Lessons for life
For a taste of adventure at Downe House come to our Lower School Experience Morning on Saturday 13 October
An independent boarding school for girls aged 11-18
Please book with Individual visits may also be arranged
Cold Ash, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 9JJ T: 01635 204701
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