Thursday, September 13, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Horris Hill School
HORRIS Hill School has a unique ethos which develops every boy as an individual and provides a rigorous and extensive academic, sporting, musical and artistic foundation. Horris Hill believes that the period from 7-13 years of age are the most critical in any boy’s life. These are the years where the foundations of the men they can become are laid. At such a crucial stage in their cultural development, an all-boys’ school provides the optimal setting where they can exercise their intellectual inquisitiveness, are free to explore all avenues, and can build self-confidence and awareness in a safe and encouraging environment. The school offers a wide variety of sports and extra-curricular activities, so that every boy has the opportunity to develop interests away from the classroom. The main sports are rugby, football, cricket, hockey and tennis. The school also has its own golf course, train and modelling room, swimming pool, squash court and cross country course. For boys with green fingers, there is a kitchen garden. The school also offers Lamda for budding performers, judo, sail- ing, clay pigeon shooting, Mandarin and a hugely success- ful chess club. For local day boys there is a morning bus service. The day fee for Years 3-5 from September 2018 will be £5,600 per term. Bursaries are available. Many boys join in
Elstree School
The offer of home visits and taster days prior to a child starting in the Early Years eases the transition between home and school. The children have the opportunity to make use of all the extensive facilities at Elstree School and children benefit from specialist PE, French, drama and music lessons. Home Farm also has an engaging woodland area where each week, the Early Years children spend a full day investigating and exploring the natural environment. Buses run from Hungerford, Peasemore, and Basingstoke and after-school clubs are provided. To find out more, please come and visit at the next open morning on Saturday, October 13.
environment for children to discover their individual talents. The family-friendly boarding model enables boys to develop life skills that will serve them well at senior school and beyond. This is an exciting time to be at Elstree. The school’s latest ISI Inspection Report (2015) stated: “Elstree School is highly successful in meeting its aim of providing a first class all-round education, while embedding the values of hard work, kindness to others and making the most of opportunities. This is thanks to an excellent curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities and to excellent teaching, which inspires and moti- vates pupils to want to learn.” Home Farm caters for 70 girls and boys, aged three to seven. It is often the child’s first experience of school life and staff understand how important these initial steps are.
ELSTREE School, Woolhampton, is academically ambitious and provides a first class all-round education. The school has an excellent track record of boys gaining places at leading public schools, together with scholarships and exhibitions. The school comprises Home Farm, Elstree’s Nursery and Pre-Prep, and Elstree Prep. From Year 4, Elstree caters for boys only as boarders, flexi-boarders and day boys. In its magnificent 150-acre setting, pupils are exposed to a wide range of opportunities including music, art, DT and sport. classrooms, a newly-opened music school, a full size all-weather pitch and spacious play areas ensure that the school offers a purposeful, stimulating and supportive Two state-of-the art science laboratories, well-equipped
Boarding in Years 3-6, which will be four nights a week. These boys will board on Monday and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but will be at home on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday nights. This structure fits nicely with the rhythm of the school week as well as providing a stepping stone to full boarding. The transition boarding fee from September 2018 will be £7,950 per term. To see for yourself what a difference a Horris Hill education could make for your son, you are welcome to visit the school. Email to arrange an appointment. They look forward to welcoming you to Horris Hill.
Y3 as day pupils and transition to boarding by Y6. Horris Hill is an all-boys full boarding school, successfully preparing boys for 13+ entry to senior schools. Recent awards to senior schools have included academic at Winch- ester, Eton and Marlborough, outstanding talent at Harrow, music and drama at St Edward’s Oxford and Milton Abbey and sport at Millfield, Charterhouse and Sherborne. However, it appreciates that the choice between being a day boy and a boarder for the younger boys is made harder by the board- ing model being at least six nights a week. From September 2018, families will have the option of Transition
Call (0118) 9713302 or visit
To see for yourself the gold standard in boys’ preparatory education, where ethos and environment nurture and inspire all-round excellence, then please visit us in person.
To book a visit please contact OPEN MORNING 2018 Saturday 24th February from 10am - 12 noon OPEN MOR I t 6th October from 10am-12 no n
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