New Milton Advertiser 8th Jan 2021

22 · Friday 8th January 2021 · · 01425 613384

Tiptoe Primary School

Durlston Court Preparatory School Learning without limits

A t Tiptoe we believe that at- tending school should be an enjoyable experience for children. We recognise that happi- er children achieve more. We provide a happy, stimulat- ing environment, where children are eager to learn because they feel involved, interested and can see a purpose for their work. They should be challenged whilst be- ing given plenty of opportunities to have fun whilst learning. The school is committed to providing a full and balanced curriculum which encourages children to enjoy their learning and develop positive at- titudes about themselves whilst caring for others. Our expecta- tions of children are high. We expect excellent behaviour and a high level of independence and self-confidence. It is our aim to create enthusiastic learners who look forward to coming to school and relish challenge. All children will be respected as individuals, given equal opportu- nities and be encouraged to treat

They will be confident users of technology and develop the skills and attitudes necessary to main- tain a healthy life. They will learn to make informed judgements and take responsibility for their own

thoughts and actions. We look forward to welcoming you.

others in the same way. At Tiptoe we provide a creative learning envi- ronment by focussing on co-oper- ation between children and adults within school, as well as forging relationships with the wider com- munity. This enables the children

to learn new skills, communicate effectively and solve problems. Children will be given many oppor- tunities to succeed and develop high self-esteem, independence and ambition to achieve potential and gain life skills for their future.

A t Durlston Court we pride ourselves on our ‘Learning Without Lim- its’ philosophy in all aspects of school life, from academic work to the performing arts, sport and beyond. Our small class sizes allow us to really get to know the children well and to provide them with in- dividual challenges in all areas of the curriculum that will allow them to make progress and to thrive. Durlston children are happy children; chil- dren who love coming to school to continue on their learning journey. 

children really relish their school experience.  At all times we fully prepare our children for life beyond Durlston. Last year all our Year 8 leavers were successfully awarded plac- es to their first choice of Senior School, maintaining the Durlston high standards for Academic and all-round education. 8 pupils were awarded scholarships for academ- ics, sport, dance, performance and as all-rounders.   Another family commented “we are so lucky to be a part of the Durlston family, and we feel that now more than ever.” 

Tiptoe Primary has gone virtual!

Reception September 2021 Looking for a Year R place for Sept 2021?

We worked hard to allow all year groups to return in the summer and in September we were thrilled to have the whole Durlston Fami- ly back in school, including lots of new starters. We are now back in to ‘lock- down’ learning but we continue to provide limitless opportunities through our ‘Durlston at Home’ curriculum.   Children at home and critical worker children in school are en- joying being part of our Durlston community getting together for ‘Durlston Live’ lessons and ‘Durl- ston On Demand’ content, all deliv- ered by our outstanding teachers. W e are a two form, forward thinking and dynamic In- fant school situated on the edge of the beautiful New Forest and by the sea. We firmly believe a happy child is a strong learner! Our core Christian values of love, courage and respect shape everything we do. We support chil- dren to become happy, confident and fulfilled individuals who build positive relationships now and in the future. Our curriculum is engaging, ac- tive, fun and focused on develop- ing the core skills children need to go onto the next stage of their learning. We are also real advo- cates of outdoor learning and have invested in our extensive grounds to ensure learning outdoors is creative, challenging and adven- turous. We encourage children to develop a growth mindset. Life is a series of challenges and oppor- tunities and we teach the children to take risks, persevere and learn from their mistakes. We recognise the diverse and rapidly changing world we live in so we help the children to respect, understand and make a positive contribution to society and chal-

The children are accessing all their normal subjects and meeting with their form tutor on a daily basis. Our teachers were commended by parents last time for enabling their children to maintain an enthusias- tic approach to their work and for providing an exciting and fun cur- riculum. Whether in lockdown or face to face at school, the Durlston

Want to know more about us? Please have a look at our video or click the link on our website Please phone 01590 682375 or email with any questions you may have. Wootton Road, Tiptoe, Lymington, Hants Tel 01590 682375 Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions we are unable to offer school tours this year.

If you would like to find out more about the Durlston education- al experience; high quality teaching, full pastoral support and new challenges, experiences and opportunities for all of our children in all areas – academics, sports, STEM and the arts then please join our Virtual Open Day. You can find out more at: www.durlstoncourt. 

Lymington C of E Infant School Exploring the future together

Join our Virtual Open Day

lenge injustice. We want them to have a real connection with the natural environment to fuel a pas- sion and a desire to protect the world around them We have strong links with St Thomas’ church and we see our school as an important part of the local community. Our dedicated and caring team of staff put the children at the centre of all they do and we are extremely proud of our children’s achievements and the excellent progress they make dur- ing their time with us. To see more of our spacious

open plan building, pond, wild wood area, children’s cooking area and other facilities, please take a look at our video on the website This will give you a real feel for our school. For current information regarding tours please contact us on 01590 673350 or email admin@lymington-inf.hants.sch. uk We look forward to welcoming you.



Please watch the video on our website to find out more about us Visit to apply for a place. Closing date 15th January 2021 To book an individual tour (Covid secure) please contact the school office.

Avenue Road, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9GP Email: 01590 673355

Tel: 01425 610010 Email:

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