New Milton Advertiser 8th Jan 2021

30 · Friday 8th January 2021 · · 01425 613384

Family Announcements

Deadline: Wednesday. 12 noon • Death Notices 5pm 01425 613384 •





WELCH, Arthur "John", Major (Rtd) Royal Signals — Passed away 24th December 2020 aged 89 in Brockenhurst Hants. Beloved husband of Edith (deceased), father to Andrew and Alison, grandfather to Adam, Toby, Charlotte and Harry. All enquiries to Moodys Funeral Directors 01425 612261.

GREEN, Marie "Marigold" — Beloved wife of the late Roger Green, mother to Darren, Mark and Andrea, grandmother to Cody and Luke. Passed away on 25th December 2020. Will be sadly missed, always loved and never forgotten. Reunited together forever. Close family funeral with donations to Wessex Kidney Unit via A. V. Ridout, Highcliffe.

GAZZARD Allan Aubrey Passed away at Lymington December, aged 76 years. Beloved father of Mark, Paul, Carol and Kim and a much loved Grandad to Matthew, Sophie, Mollie, Katie and James. Allan will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by all that knew him. Private Service at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground. Family flowers only, donations if desired can be made payable online at allangazzard.muchloved. com Funeral entrusted to HPWBG, Wyndham Road, Walkford, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 7EJ. Telephone 01425 278910. brother and grandfather. Private Funeral to take place, family flowers only. Donations, if desired, to South West Ambulance Service c/o Co-op Funeral Care, New Milton. Hospital after a short illness on Friday 25th Gannaway Christopher “Joe” Passed away peacefully at home on Sunday 20th December 2020. Beloved husband of the late Margaret Gannaway. Dearest father,


BOOTHROYD Jimmy and Candia


BEAULIEU ABBEY. As we go into the 3rd lockdown, there will be no Sunday services in our Benefice churches until further notice. There will be a Benefice 10am Zoom service from the Rectory. Further details may be obtained from the Benefice Office office@ . ST NICHOLAS’ CHURCH with ST SAVIOUR’S. St Saviours. Thursday Said Holy Communion 10am Sunday Said Holy Communion 9am Sunday Service 10.30am St Nicholas’ open for private prayer 10am to 4pm daily. website www. BARTON METHODIST CHURCH Sunday 10.30am. Rev. MARTIN KEENAN. All Worship socially distanced with masks worn. For help contact Rev Martin Keenan 01425 612510 or martin.keenan@ ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS’ CHURCH , HINTON ADMIRAL. 9.15am Holy Communion Traditional Worship from The Book of Common Prayer. Face coverings must be worn and social distancing will be observed. ALL SAINTS. All Saints’ Hordle and St. Andrew’s Tiptoe church service, available online from 10am every Sunday at:http:// www.hordleandtiptoechurch. and:https://www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / H o r d l e ParishChurch METHODIST CHURCH. We meet for worship according to the Covid 19 regulations. Please check www. or call 01425 673350 for the latest updates. HINTON HORDLE HIGHCLIFFE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH , High Street, Lymington. Services suspended until further notice. Contact 01590 676306 or email adminurclym@ CHURCH. Baptism of Christ. 9am Simple Communion. lymington for details ST PETER’S CHURCH 11am Service of the Word. For more information, please visit us online at uk ASHLEY BAPTIST CHURCH. Live streaming services via YouTube join us at 10.30am Communion, Rev. ALISON JOHN. ST THOMAS MILFORD ON SEA All Saints. On-line Service from 8am Sundays. www.allsaintsmilford. No Sunday worship at present. For more information see http:// MILFORD METHODIST. Everton St. Mary’s. Sunday 10am Morning Worship, please book 01590 644739. BARTON-ON-SEA BEAULIEU BROCKENHURST EVERTON HIGHCLIFFE LYMINGTON MILFORD-ON-SEA EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH . Please see our website for service details and for our links to online Services, Thoughts and Prayer Meetings. Our YouTube Channel is ’NMEFC Ministries’. MAGDALENE, MILTON . 9.30am Service of the Word. For more information, please visit us online at www. ST MARY NEW MILTON

Congratulations! We are so happy to welcome Reggie into our family. Love, Dad and Sally xxx

WHITE Leslie


To Mark Mosimann (Company Director), Nick Hebditch (Executive Chef)

Roger Garlick, Commodore of Royal Lymington Yacht Club

STINCHCOMBE David Robert of Barton-on-Sea and former teacher at St Saviours Junior School, Bath, called home to be with his Lord on 19th December 2020, aged 81 years. Dearest husband of Jean, father of Paul and Wendy, grandfather and brother. Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, a private funeral will be held for David at New Milton Baptist Church followed by committal at Colerne Parish Church. In lieu of flowers, donations to Brain Tumour Research and the Epilepsy Society may be made online at www.tapperfuneralservice. Enquiries to Colin Hayley & Tapper Funeral Service 01425 629000. “In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” – Psalm 16:11. KING Donald Stamper BEM Passed away peacefully at Hamble Heights Nursing Home on December 27th 2020, aged 87. Husband to Stella (née Drew) of Queen Katherine Constable at New Milton, Donald ended his career as divisional commander of Central Hampshire Constabulary. Donald is survived by his sons Andrew and Steven and his grandchildren Lucinda, Rosie, Matthew and Daniel. Funeral Service to be held at Wessex Vale crematorium Road, Lymington. Formerly a Police on January 13th but subject to lockdown restrictions. A Celebration of Donald’s Life for friends and family will be held when conditions permit.

DAVIS, Archie — Happy 21st birthday son on New Years Eve. Love from Mum, Dad, Millie and Stanley xxx


Special thanks to an amazing team for providing a truly superb Secret Santa Lunch, delivered by a wonderful team of Elves, enabling 72 people to enjoy Christmas in their own homes in these

exceptional circumstances. Their expression of gratitude has been overwhelming. A huge thank you to all concerned. Happy & Healthy New Year. Secret Santa.

It is with great sadness that the family of Leslie announce his passing. He died peacefully at home with his family around him on 3rd January 2021. Rest in peace Dad, reunited with Mum at last. Loved and missed forever by your children and their spouses, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Unfortunately due to Covid regulations the Funeral will be by invite only.


Thank you my darling wife Ed for the most amazing 60 years of marriage and all the love and support you have given me. We lived life to the full through good and bad years. Sorry no holiday, no cake or meal out this year but we are lucky to have each other living in such a beautiful area. Awaiting our vaccine, we hope to have many more years together. All my love, Ron xxx UPSHALL Brian and Julie 7/1/1961 Happy 60th Anniversary to Mum & Dad. Lots of love, Roger, Linda, Angela, Tom and all their families xxx



KEEPING, Dorothy — Thoughts of you Mum on this day 10th January when you passed away nine years ago. Still much missed. Marilyn xxx EDWARDS, Peggy Joan (née Hallett) — 12/1/2020. In loving memory of dear Peggy a wonderful and kind lady, never forgotten, from all the family xxx

LUKER, Fondest memories of our loving Dad, thinking of you with all our love, Steve, Sharon, Andy, Kate and family xxx Doug —


Vanda SMALL 12/1/2017 How constantly I think of you, with heart and eyes that feel. The love in life I had for you, in death grows stronger still. Let the winds of love blow softly, and whisper for you to hear. I love and miss you sadly as it dawns another year. Love Brian xxx

Bevis Phyllis Passed away peacefully at Hartwood House Lyndhurst on Wednesday 23rd December 2020, aged 91. Will be forever missed by her four children Rob, Liz, Mike and Chrissy and all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Now reunited with her beloved husband Ken. Due to the current pandemic there is to be a Private Family Cremation with family flowers only. A Memorial Service and Interment will be held at Fawley Church at a later date to be advised. Passed away peacefully on 25th December 2020, aged 80. Beloved husband, father and grandfather. Service by invitation only on 12th January 2021 at Cornerstone Hythe URC, then at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground. Family flowers only, but donations welcome to Oakhaven Hospice and Hythe URC Outreach Fund. BAIN, Geoffrey James - Passed away on Monday 21st December 2020 aged 92. Much loved husband of Valerie, proud father to Rebecca and Philip and adored Grandad of Andrew, Emily, Alice and Abi. A truly family man who loved life, music, holidays, and especially France. A bientot! His Funeral Service has been held at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground. Donations in Geoff’s memory can be made to Lymington Hospital Friends. www.lymingtonhospital BANKS, Janette — It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Janette on Tuesday 29th December, aged 93. She passed away peacefully after a lengthy illness at Belmore Lodge, Lymington. Our thanks to all the staff at the home for their warm care. The funeral will be held in late January (details from Diamond & Sons Undertakers). Passed away peacefully at home in Barton-on-Sea on Sunday 20th December, aged 63 years. Beloved partner of Alastair. Sarah is survived by her mother Merrie, her sisters Sarah will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by all that knew her Private service at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground on Monday 11th January. Flowers welcome; donations if desired can be made Cathy and Jenny and her brother Alan and wife Maggie. COPLEY Dr Derek Bryan deCandole Sarah Joy

Cherish their Memory with a Family Announcement Contact our helpful team on 01425 613384

GREEN Jack Raymond


Passed away peacefully on 23rd December aged 27 years. Brother to Chris and Tom, son to Claire and Richard (Deceased 2016). Lymington born and raised. Priestlands School 2004 – 2009 Poundland Store 2014 – 2017 Will be much missed. Private Funeral in Coventry.

BENNETT, 10th January. Thinking of you on your birthday, a greatly missed husband, father and character. Love Noreen, Declan, Ann, Dave and Tracey xxx — 13/1/17. "The Best". So much loved always, and very much missed. Love, Sam xxx Gordon — BUTCHER, Nicholas John

WELTON, Fred — Thinking of you on this day 11th January. Can hardly believe it was 12 years ago. Still very much missed by your peanut, Marilyn xxx


MOREY, Graham — A brother to Jenny, Carol, Pam, Ann, Janet, Reg, Pip, Mike, Kevin, Steve, Alan and Nicky. Graham passed away peacefully at home on 20/12/20 aged 70. Now at rest with Mum and Dad and Michael xxx

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Births • Birthdays Graduations • Engagements • Weddings Anniversaries • retirement • In memoriam Death Notices • In Remembrance place a Family Announcement TAYLOR, John — Passed away peacefully at Lymington Hospital aged 92 after a short illness. Beloved husband of Joan, father to Sally and Thomas, grandfather to Amy, James and Emily. The Funeral Service will takeplaceat2pmonFridayApril 29th at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground, Walkford.

Family flowers only, dona - tions for Oakhaven Hos- pice may be sent c/o Tap- per Funeral Service, 89-91 Barrack Road, Christchurch BH23 5FD. Donations may also be made online at www.

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Happy 18th birthday to our wonderful daughter. Enjoy your birthday weekend. Love, Mum, Dad and Thomas xxx

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Cherish their Memory with a Family Announcement Contact our helpful team on 01425 613384

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We hope you enjoy your party tonight! Lots of time now for travelling, spending time with family and friend and relaxing. Love from all the family xxx

call 01425 613384 to speak to our helpful team

payable online at sarahdecandole.

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