New Milton Advertiser 8th Jan 2021
Friday 8th January 2021 · 21 · · 01425 613384
Virtual open days
A new head at Walhampton This week, Walhampton Prep School welcomed new head, Jonny Timms
I am committed to ensuring the Walhampton’s deep-rooted values of nurturing children into confident, resilient and passionate young people remain.
Many virtual open days will also feature footage of life within the school taking in the classroom settings during various lessons; across di erent age groups within the school community.
D espite the challenges of the new lockdown, Jonny is very optimistic for the future. He explains: “As the news of an enigmatic virus from Wuhan was emerging in February last year, the Walhampton Governors asked me at interview how I would meet the challenges of the future. I talked passionately of children finding their voice and having the nec- essary skills and connections to navigate a difficult world. As I think about this now, my feelings remain the same. 2020 proved to us all that we cannot predict what chal- lenges lie ahead for our children, but we can be confident they will need to be creative, resilient prob- lem solvers.” Jonny continues: “I am commit- ted to ensuring the Walhampton’s deep-rooted values of nurturing children into confident, resilient and passionate young people re- main. Whilst also preparing them for the unknown challenges and opportunities in the world of to- morrow. Through enrichment op- portunities, curriculum innovation, effective links with the wider com- munity and an environmental un- derstanding, children will be better prepared to engage with the world beyond our gates - senior school and beyond.” Staff have been reflecting on what makes Walhampton such a wonderful school and where seeds of change can be planted for the future. The school’s Virtual Open Day on Friday 5th Febrary is an ideal opportunity to meet Jonny and gain an in-depth introduction to Walhampton. Throughout the Coronavi- rus pandemic, Walhampton has earned a reputation for tightly managing COVID-19 safety pro- cedures whilst also continuing to provide its usual curricular and extra-curricular activities. There are still challenging times ahead,
day will feature question and an- swer sessions from various subject teachers and learning leaders as well as some pupils at the school. Parents and careers are also likely to be offered an option for more interactive engagement thorough a private FaceTime or Zoom chat. If you request a one to one chat be preparedwith some of the ques- tions you’d like answered and don’t be afraid to seek extra clarification if you are unclear about any of the information provided. The school will also welcome feedback on how helpful you found the virtual open day and any areas which you think could be improved. If your child has special needs or learning difficulties it would also be helpful to chat with the school’s SENCo to understand what provisions could be available for your child. Another great way to find out about the school is to chat to ex- isting parents and children about their experiences of the school. When all is said and done it is important to remember that you know your child best and ul- timately your instincts will steer you to the most suitable option. Some children will thrive is a busy and bustling school with lots of opportunity for sporting activity and extracurricular activities but for others a small and nurturing school will be a much more suita- ble choice.
W hether you are choosing your child’s first primary school or considering op- tions for secondary education and sixth-form College a fundamental part of the decision process will be based on open days and informa- tion sessions. This time last year few people would have considered attend- ing an online event to make such a major decision but with schools currently closed due to the ongo- ing pandemic Virtual Open Days have been a common part of the parental process for choosing your child’s schools. Whilst no online event will ever compare with the feeling of walk- ing around a school and chatting to staff and pupil’s face to face, schools have worked hard to give parents the best possible insight into their daily routines and atmos- phere, with a range videos and op- portunities to chat online and join virtual school tours. As the virtual open day have be- come a new tool for schools, many are still finding their way based on feedback and expectations from prospective parents. Ideally a virtual tour should not only in-
clude commentary and interviews with key staff, but also footage of school facilities such as playing fields, computer suites and music rooms. Many virtual open days will also feature footage of life within the school taking in the classroom settings during various lessons; across different age groups within the school community. So how do virtual open days work? Just like regular school open days parents and careers are asked to pre-register a place at the event so they are able to be access schedules and any necessary login details for area which are not open to the general public. This will also allow the school to stay in touch with parents and provide any up- dates, as well as allowing parents to feedback to the school. Generally virtual open days will include a welcome talk from the head teacher, which will either be pre-record or live streamed, a tour of the school’s ground and facili- ties including indoor and outdoor spaces, classrooms, sports facili- ties and any special areas such as school gardens or Forest School areas. It is also likely that the open
recently: “Walhampton pupils savour every moment in this ver- itable children’s wonderland. Ac- ademic rigour and an increase in demand for places mean that in- coming Head, Jonny Timms, looks to be taking on a school that’s very much on the up.” Visit for further information about the Virtual Open Morning on the 5th February 2021.
to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.’ We are Wal- hampton and we will not be re- duced by these events.” Last year, The Good Schools Guide said of Walhampton: “Chil- dren, teachers and parents extol its virtues, its academic success, its amazing outdoor provision and above all, the fact it’s a happy school.” The Tatler Schools Guide, which reviews the top 250 Prep and Sen- ior schools in the country, wrote
but Jonny is steadfast in ensuring Walhampton remains an anchor of hope for its children, parents and staff. Jonny adds: “We continue to provide our children and staff with an environment where they feel able to work hard and have a joy- ful experience of learning. We of- fer the support they need to look after themselves and each other. I am reminded of the words of Maya Angelou who said: ‘You may not control all the events that happen
Virtual Open Day 5th February2021
WALHAMPTON SCHOOL, LYMINGTON, HAMPSHIRE SO41 5ZG. Independent co-educational preparatory day, flexi and full-time boarding school, ages 2-13. Contact the school Registrar 01590 613303 or email
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