Education Schools and Colleges 2019
Thursday, September 5, 2019 33
Newbury Weekly News
Skills, knowledge and careers on offer at BCoT
IF you or someone you know is considering their next steps after leaving school or college or they want to progress their career, Basingstoke College of Technology (BCoT) promises to provide the skills and confidence to succeed. BCoT has something for everyone. Situated in the heart of Basingstoke, the college has a wide range of full-time courses and is one of the largest apprenticeship providers in the region offering more than 60 different training programmes. More than 97 per cent of BCoT students progress to university, employment or further study so you can be reassured that progression and academic achievement is possible with technical skills qualifications. Former student Jamie Petch is just one example. After leaving BCoT with a triple distinction for his Level 3 BTEC in Applied Sciences in 2017, he is now studying a BSc in Biomedical Sciences at Brunel University in London. Jamie said: “I liked the idea of studying a BTEC over A-levels. I found coursework a much better way of learning and being assessed, and my course had no exams.” BCoT’s approach to teaching and learning is more ‘hands-on’ and uses the latest digital technology to ensure an engaging experience.
Anthony Bravo Holly Hunt Michael Gibbs Charlie Lecuyer
Picture: Stewart Turkington
as virtual reality headsets and a Jamboard (an interactive whiteboard developed by Google), means your experience is sure to be positive and enjoyable. To find out more and get further information on the expert teaching on offer from the college’s industry-standard specialists, work experience opportunities and unrivalled employer links, visit or come and take a look for yourself at one of its open events this autumn on Monday, October14, from 4.30pm to 7.30pm, or on Saturday, November 16, from 10.30am to 12.30pm.
BCoT is a Google Reference College and is one of only a few Further Education Colleges to be recognised by Google for creative and innovative methods in the classrooms. The college is also an Apple Regional Training Centre and won the ‘outstanding use of technology’ award for improving teaching, learning and assessment at the annual Tes FE Awards in 2018. This, combined with a newly- refurbished Learning Hub, which includes modern, adaptable furniture and state-of- the-art digital technology such
Personal Excellence and Collective Responsibility
Trinity School is a great place to be! Our school motto ‘Personal Excellence and Collective Responsibility’, puts students’ academic achievement and personal wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. Our excellent exam results speak for themselves; we are in the top 20% of schools nationally for value added progress. Our challenging, academic curriculum develops independent, critical thinkers and equips students to be successful in a competitive world. We provide superb extra-curricular opportunities, in a wide range of areas, to FRPSOHPHQW DQG H[WHQG RXU FXUULFXOXP 7KH IDFLOLWLHV RQ RරHU DW 7ULQLW\ 6FKRRO are excellent and include an extended and refurbished Sixth Form block; an impressive Drama Studio, Recording Studio and Dance Studio; extensive IT and Media facilities; purpose-built Library and Learning Centre, a modern Sports Complex which includes a well equipped gym and outdoor courts. Trinity works closely with the wider, local community and enjoys extensive links with local businesses like Vodafone, the Corn Exchange and the Watermill Theatre as well as sports, arts and charity groups. We are particularly proud of our highly-successful primary school link groups which encourage children from our feeder primary schools to get involved in all aspects of our school. We are a high performing school with high expectations. We challenge our students to achieve their very best, expecting personal excellence from all. Open Evening: 12th September 2019 - 6pm Open Classroom Mornings: 16th, 20th, 27th September & 4th October - 9.15am Please contact reception to book your place
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