Education Schools and Colleges 2019
Thursday, September 5, 2019 34 John O’ Gaunt School PUPILS thrive at one of Berkshire’s fastest improving schools. Pupils at the brilliant high-flying John O’ Gaunt (JOG) in Hungerford are celebrating after receiving the first good Ofsted report in their history. The caring, high-achieving academy, which has just received another good set of GCSE results, is also part of the exceptional Excalibur Academies Trust (EAT). With excellent teachers and support staff, small class sizes and strong relationships, pupils benefit from tremendous learning opportunities and curriculum pathways. Being part of EAT enables students to complete their education with A-levels at the outstanding St John’s, Marlborough. Ofsted inspectors gave glowing praise to the inspirational JOG after four brilliant years of improvements, including vastly improved GCSE results and levels of progress. They highlighted a raft of excellent areas, including school leadership, ambition and expectation, care and
Newbury Weekly News
The Clere School
THE Clere School is a vibrant and high-attaining rural school with high expectations and aspirations for all its pupils. It provides a secure and caring environment, and nurture and development of every pupil lies at the heart of everything it does. With relatively small class sizes, it takes pride in knowing each pupil as an individual learner. The school is extremely proud of its reputation as centre of learning that encourages respect and consideration for others. Pupils understand the importance of high standards of behaviour and learning. Good manners and courtesy are practised at all times. Learning and teaching have the highest priority. Excellence in teaching, high- quality feedback and empowering pupils to take greater responsibil- ity for their own learning are key. The school’s core purpose is to inspire enjoyment of learning, where every pupil matters and no child is left behind. There is a strong focus on academic achievement. The Clere School is celebrating another very good set of GCSE results this year, demonstrating consistency, high achievement and high expectations. Seventy eight per cent of pupils achieved at least a grade 4 in mathematics and 75 per cent at least a grade 4 in English, which is up on last year. Ten per cent of pupils achieved the very highest grades in all their subjects. In addition to the core academic subjects, Clere pupils have done particularly well in computer
science and finance – two subjects that are highly-valued by employers and industry. In computer science, 100 per cent of pupils achieved a very good GCSE pass. In finance, which uses the A*-C GCSE grading system, 85 per cent of pupils achieved a good pass. Alongside this, pupils were highly successful in hospitality and photography qualifications. This demonstrates The Clere’s commitment to a broad curriculum and opportunities for pupils to excel. Headteacher Benjamin Bond said: “This is a very good set of results. It was important for the school to follow up the recent ‘Good’ Ofsted inspection with a good set of exam results. “We are very proud of all our pupils; they have worked very hard for their success. As they enter further education, training and other courses we wish them the very best and know they will continue to do great things. “Once again, I must pay tribute to
our superb staff teamwho have supported, driven and ensured the pupils did as well as they possibly could.” The Ofsted report fromMay 2019 noted: “Teaching is good. Teachers strive to support pupils’ learning and challenge them to make strong progress. Pupils receive useful feedback which they value and use to improve their work. “Pupils are excellent ambassadors for The Clere School. They are polite, courteous and respectful to all and are proud of their school. “Pupils feel safe in school and have an understanding of how to keep themselves safe. “The headteacher is steadfast in his ambition to improve the quality of education for all pupils. He has created a culture of high expectations that is visible throughout the school.” With close links to local sixth form colleges and universities, pupils are encouraged continually to raise their aspirations and reach
support, teaching across a range of subjects, the community feel and relationships, and the curriculum. The report also highlighted the assistance of the EAT, which has further boosted the brilliant momentum of improvements over the last three years. Inspectors said: “Since academisation, leaders have been successful in driving up standards. “As a result of their actions, teaching and pupils outcomes are good. “Staff know their pupils extremely well and support them effectively in their personal development.” They mentioned the strong relationships across year groups and close-knit
community atmosphere working so well in the small school. They said: “GCSE results show that pupils make good or better progress from their starting points in English, mathematics, science, history, geography and languages, as well as several other subjects. “The most able pupils are benefiting from a more ambitious curriculum and teachers' higher expectations of what they can do and achieve.” Head of School Corinne Walker said: “We are a wonderful school that is going places and we have very exciting plans for the future. “We look forward to meeting students and their parents and carers at our forthcoming open events.”
forward towards the future, beyond the world of school.
The Clere School Small and vibrant with high aspirations
“John O’Gaunt is a ‘good’ school” – Ofsted 2019
Open Events Year 6 parents and pupils are invited to our Open Evening Thursday WK September 6.30-8.30pm Year 4, 5 and 6 parents and pupils are invited to our Open Morning Friday 2 WK September 9.15am-12.15pm ´7HDFKLQJ LV JRRG 7HDFKHUV VWULYH WR VXSSRUW SXSLOV· OHDUQLQJ DQG FKDOOHQJH WKHP WR PDNH VWURQJ SURJUHVV 3XSLOV UHFHLYH XVHIXO IHHGEDFN ZKLFK WKH\ YDOXH DQG XVH WR LPSURYH WKHLU ZRUNµ Ofsted, March 201 We look forward to welcoming you to our school! Earlstone Common, Burghclere, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 9HP Tel: 01635 278372 Email:
Inspire - Believe - Support - Achieve
Open Evening Thursday 10th October 2019, 4.30-7.00pm Tours available from 4.30pm; Address to parents 5pm & 6pm Open Morning Friday 11th October 2019, 9am-1.30pm Please book tours for Open Morning via the school office
Tel: 01488 682400 Email:
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