Education Schools and Colleges 2019
Thursday, September 5, 2019 36
Newbury Weekly News
Park House School is...
“an exceptional school” Ofsted the South’s Centre of Excellence for learning Computer Science full of amazing extra-curricular opportunities a leading school for Sixth Form progress and learning in the top 100 state schools for continuous improvement at GCSE Nick Gibb, Minister of State for Schools
Park House School
national average in the new and more challenging GCSE exams. n Park House is consistently in the top 15 per cent of schools in the country for sixth form progress. n Park House is one of only 30 new national Computing Hub schools for computer science. Come to one of the open days at Park House and see what opportunities the school offers to inspire, motivate and develop children, both inside and out of the classroom. This year’s open evening is on Thursday, September 19 (6pm- 9pm), and the open morning is on Friday, September 20 (9.15am- 11am), and Tuesday, October 15 (9.15am-11am). Visit for more information.
FINDING the right school for your child is an important decision. You want them to achieve, to be happy, well rounded and to have amazing opportunities, but how can you know which school is right for your child? As recently reported by the BBC, a national survey undertaken by the University of Birmingham indicated that the majority of parents believe that alongside academic success, the development of values is one of the main elements desirable in a secondary school. The report highlights the relationship between values
Did you know: n Park House School was
described by Ofsted as a ‘school with values centred ambition’ reflecting the local, national and international opportunities the school offers. n Park House has a zero NEET (not in education, employment or training) figure for leavers in Year 11. We are therefore one of those schools which combines a focus of values with outstanding academic achievement and progress – two of the key factors that parents look for when choosing a secondary school. Did you know: n Park House is in the top 100 state schools in the country for continuous improvement in top GCSE results n Performance in 2018 and 2019 was significantly above the
Open Evening 6pm–9pm Thursday 19 September / ParkHouseSchool @PHSNewbury
Presentations by the Headteacher at 6.15 pm, 7.15 pm and 8.15 pm on Open Evening Open Mornings 9.15am–11am
Friday 20 September Tuesday 15 October
and employability skills. Developing well-rounded
Headteacher: Mr Derek Peaple. For more information please visit or contact us on 01635 573911 Park House School, Andover Road, Newbury RG14 6NQ
individuals is also a key factor in enabling students to secure university places of their choice.
St Bartholomew’s School This highly successful school offers a diverse and sƟmulaƟng educaƟonal environment
Every student is valued equally as an individual within an inclusive ethos. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all, as are the extensive extracurricular activities which were described as ‘exceptional’ by Ofsted.
St Bart’s history spans 550 years and is an excellent example of tradition combined with future opportunity, ensuring all students gain life-skills and confidence a caring and supportive environment.
Over the last 3 years, St Bart’s is the highest
performing West Berkshire secondary school at GCSE. At A level, we have a large, vibrant and successful sixth form offering the widest range of courses locally.
This year an impressive one third of grades overall were 7-9 at GCSE. 84% of students achieved grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics.
“Within the ambitious and caring ethos of the school students make excellent progress and achieve very well.” Ofsted 2018
Open Evening: Tuesday 17 September 2019, 5:30 – 8:30pm PresentaƟons by the Head teacher at 5:45, 6:30 and 7:15pm. Guided tours throughout the evening. OPEN MORNINGS: Monday 30 September and Tuesday 1 October, 9:00am – 10:45am
Tel: 01635 521255
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