Education Schools and Colleges 2019


Thursday, September 5, 2019 35

Newbury Weekly News

Queen Mary’s College

HAVE you considered Queen Mary’s Sixth Form College? At QMC each individual is supported to achieve their full potential, not just in terms of qualifications, but also transferable skills and resilience. Students leave with a bright future ahead, whether progressing to university, apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, further training or meaningful employment. With excellent results year-on- year and a vibrant and engaging atmosphere, students find it impossible to resist participating in the opportunities that are open to them. There are a wide range of courses on offer catering for all abilities and with enthusiastic and committed teachers and superb facilities the majority of students do far better than they ever thought possible when they started. With nearly 2,000 entries, the overall pass rate this year was 99 per cent. The college has a well-deserved reputation for excellent results and 2019 was no exception, with 77 per cent of all grades awarded being A*-C. The results for Level 3 BTECS and other Applied General qualifications were also outstanding, with more than 50 per cent achieving Distinction* grades, equivalent to an A* grade at A-level. QMC excels in the STEM subjects of maths and science, and as a result many talented

students are able to pursue dreams of prestigious careers in areas such as medicine, engi- neering and veterinary science. QMC offers outstanding support to students applying to Oxford, Cambridge and Russell Group universities and each year students secure places at these top universities. QMC also has a proven track of success with students who have been unable to obtain strong results prior to starting college. Students who start on a Level 2 programme flourish during their time at QMC and go on to secure excellent results, university places and jobs. The continued success reflects the priority that the college places on ensuring that young people are able to grow and flourish during their time at QMC. “Whilst I am once again delighted at the extraordinary academic achievements of our students, for the college success is also about developing happy and confident young adults who are well-equipped for whatever they have in their sights,”

The Hurst Community College

n The values of ambition, commitment, excellence and respect are shared by all. n Leaders have worked well together to create an inclusive and celebratory culture evident throughout the school. The school’s aim is for all pupils to feel challenged and stimulated during their time at The Hurst, both in and out of lessons. It offers a superb array of enrichment activities and trips to cater for all tastes. It is particularly renowned for the quality of its creative arts events and sporting success. It looks forward to welcoming you at its open evening and open mornings in October.

of English, mathematics and science. Students aiming for the highest

THE Hurst Community College is a successful, high-attaining 11-16

community school blessed with a stunning countryside setting and excellent facilities. As a popular, medium-sized school, it ensures that class sizes are small and learning is personalised. It is extremely ambitious and fully committed to ensuring every pupil excels in their achievements as part of a supportive and respectful community. In 2019, a fantastic 76 per cent of pupils attained a grade 4 or higher in the core subject areas

grades were particularly successful in geography,

commented principal Ali Foss. Open evenings give prospective students and their parents the opportunity to discover what makes QMC so special and staff will happily discuss students’ options to help them get where they want to go. A free park-and-ride service will be in operation and clearly signposted. Come and see Queen Mary’s College for yourself. The teachers, students and staff look forward to welcoming you.

religious studies, mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics, where more than 20 per cent of the cohort achieved grades 7 to 9. Of course, examination results are not the only feature of success at The Hurst. Ofsted visited in March 2019 and found the following strengths:

n Pupils are well behaved, confident and articulate.

n They are proud of the active role that they are encouraged to play in shaping the school community.

5 great reasons to visit our school

Open Evening Thursday 3rd October 6.00pm – 8.00pm No booking required Open Mornings

Our team of expertly skilled staff who deliver active and engaging lessons that inspire pupils

Our strong pastoral care that supports pupils to be happy, positive and respectful

Our ambition for every pupil to broaden their horizons and become well rounded individuals

Monday 7th October Tuesday 8th October Thursday 10th October

Our commitment to creating a community ethos

Friday 11th October 9.15am - 10.45am Booking required 0118 9817474

Our dedication to developing confident learners who gain excellent exam outcomes and are equipped for a lifetime of learning

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