Independent Schools 2017

Thursday, September 14, 2017 Reading Blue Coat School

Newbury Weekly News

READING Blue Coat School is a friendly and busy school of some 750 pupils. Although we value our strong traditions of scholarship and learning, we are forward-looking and are wholly committed to preparing our pupils for life. We make the most of our fantas- tic setting on the banks of the Thames in the village of Sonning and seek to create an environ- ment that fosters the growth of self-confidence, instils the joy of learning and prepares our students for full participation in a diverse and changing world. There is a buzz and excitement about academic life at Blue Coat, where our friendly and support- ive environment enables pupils to flourish and thrive. Academic achievement is valued highly and the school has enjoyed strong results in recent years. Learn more about our results

Rookwood School ROOKWOOD is a non-selective day and

excellent by the ISI. Our school is a warm and nurturing community; our staff are committed to delivering excellent pastoral care and the welfare of our pupils is our primary concern. Rookwood’s motto, Saupere Aude – translated as ‘dare to know’ – is clearly seen in everything we do. Our students are challenged to have courage, to learn new things, to develop new skills and to deepen their understanding. As a result, our students leave Rookwood with the essential character traits of integrity, tolerance and resilience, and with excellent GCSE results. To find out more about what a Rookwood education has to offer contact our registrar on (01262) 325900 or visit

tional activities. Blue Coat’s new Design Technol- ogy Centre, complete with 3D printers, further enhances the school’s impressive facilities, which also include an IT centre, a psychology and geology block, the 23-classroom Richard Aldworth Building, an extensive Sixth-Form centre, an all- purpose sports hall, an indoor swimming pool, a purpose-built science centre and a cricket pavilion. Blue Coat is an independent day school for boys aged 11-18 and girls aged 16-18. For further details, please contact Mrs Jane Jarrett or Ms Audrey Fernandes in admis- sions on (0118) 944 1005 or admis- Further information is also available on the school’s website:

and university destinations on our website at Our curriculum is designed to provide the best possible prepa- ration for life after school. Careers education runs through- out the school to help students make the right choices as they consider their options for university and beyond. In the Sixth Form particularly, students are given weekly careers guidance, guest speakers feature at a special higher educa- tion evening, and events include a careers fair, a UCAS conven- tion and group university visits. Pupils are also encouraged to participate in a wide range of co- curricular activities, and the school offers generous provision in sport, music, drama, public speaking, the CCF, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Young Enterprise and numerous addi-

boarding school providing a high-quality education for 3-16-year-olds. We maintain high academic standards; our GCSE results are excellent and show our pupils regularly achieve beyond expectations. But our school is so much more than exam results. We are proud of our extra-curricular offer and we provide a wide range of activities, from residential overseas trips to a thriving Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards programme. Our school life is rich in experiences and ensures that our students have a broad and balanced education that not only focuses on academic achievement, but also on

personal development. Set in eight acres, Rookwood has an impressive range of amenities, including a state-of- the-art sports hall, swimming pool, excellent art and science facilities and a boarding provi- sion which was praised as

ROOKWOOD SCHOOL Co-educational | Day & Boarding | 3-16 Years A school with a "strong vision for providing excellent educational opportunities for all" ISI

READING BLUE COAT SCHOOL Independent Day School • Boys 11-18; Girls 16 -18

Join the adventure!


General Open Morning Saturday

Sixth Form Open Evening Tuesday 17 October From 5:00pm

7 October Tours Start 9:30am

OPEN MORNING Thursday 21st September 2017 9.30am-12.30pm To reserve a place contact Mrs Ball on 01264 325900

School bus route available from Newbury Weyhill Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3AL

Register online:

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