Independent Schools 2017
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
Horris Hill HORRIS Hill School has a
unique ethos which develops every boy as an individual and provides a rigorous and extensive academic, sporting, musical and artistic foundation. We deliver success by achieving places and awards at the very best senior schools and boys with impeccable manners, good humour and active brains! In the past academic year awards to senior schools have included - academic at Winch- ester, Eton and Marlborough; outstanding talent at Harrow; music and drama at St Edward’s Oxford and Milton Abbey; and sport at Millfield and Sherborne. We believe that the period from seven to 13 years of age are the most critical in any boy’s life. These are the years where the foundations of the men they can become are laid. At such a crucial stage in their cultural development, we believe that an all-boys’ school provides the optimal setting where boys
will exercise their intellectual inquisitiveness, free to explore all avenues, building self-confi- dence and awareness in a safe and encouraging environment. We offer a wide variety of sports and extra-curricular activities,
so that every boy has the oppor- tunity to develop interests away from the classroom. The main sports are rugby, foot- ball, cricket, hockey and tennis. We also have our own golf course, train and modelling room, swimming pool, squash court and cross country course. For boys with green fingers, we have our very own kitchen garden. We also offer Lamda for budding performers, judo, sailing, clay pigeon shooting, Mandarin and a hugely successful chess club. To see for yourself what a differ- ence a Horris Hill education could make for your son, please come and visit us. Simply email registrar@ to arrange an appointment. We look forward to welcoming you to Horris Hill.
The Oratory Prep School AS we begin another
teering, general knowledge quiz club, public speaking, life skills , first aid, philosophy and more. Life never stands still a t the Oratory Prep. To see for yourself what we can offer your child, please email and join us at our open mor ning on Saturday, October 7 between 10.00am and 12.30pm. We look forward to welcoming you to the Oratory Prep School.
journeys are just beginning. The Michaelmas term is always a busy one and this ter m we launch our enrichment programme on a Sa turday morning, an optional programme for Years 6, 7 and 8 to replace the traditional Sa tur- day school offering. The take-up has been f antastic and so we’re looking forward to a term of expanding our pupils ’ horizons through topics such as geology, acting, debating, orien-
academic school year at the Oratory Prep School, we wish our Year 8s from last year all the best in their c hosen senior schools. We’re sure that they take with them wonderful memories of their cultural trip to Namibia that took place over the summer. As their Oratory Prep School journey ends, we’re pleased to welcome more than 60 new pupils to the school, whose own
Catholic independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 2 to 13
Open Morning Saturday 7 October 2017, 10.00am –12.30pm
Nurturing excellence
September 16 th 2017 Saturday 10am~12pm
To see for yourself the gold standard in boys’ prep school education, where ethos and environment nurture and inspire all-round excellence, then please visit us in person or via our website.
Goring Heath, South Oxfordshire, RG8 7SF tel: 0118 984 4511 IQEMP SJ½GI$SVEXSV]TVIT GS YO [IFWMXI [[[ SVEXSV]TVIT GS YO
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