New Milton Advertiser 11th Dec 2020

Friday 11th December 2020 · 31 · · 01425 613384

Festive Christmas shopping in NewMilton has never been more welcoming!

Shop windows sparkle and shine and stunning Christmas lights adorn the wide, tree-lined high street, bringing a much-needed cheer for shoppers this year, who have been waiting impatiently to visit the town’s department store, and awesome array of independ- ent shops and cafés, With safety measures in place, New Milton has all the ingredients for a safe, satis- fying and sparkly Christmas shop- ping experience this year. Suna King, Town Development Manager at New Milton Town Council says: “Our town centre has never looked better – giving us that much- needed Christmas sparkle to lift all our spirits at the end of a pretty horrible year. And our local traders are ensuring we all have a safe and reassuring experience as we finally get to check o those items on our Christmas shopping lists!” of New Milton – a treasure trove of Christmas cards, inspiring presents, festive decorations - and oodles of festive cheer. Don your mask and reindeer jumper and discover the delights

Cafés galore Nestling into a cosy café is a treat and reward of a shopping trip, but even more fun when its festive and you can meet with a friend! And it’s a great chance to go through Christmas list over a frothy coffee and cake. There’s a fabulous choice of independent cafés in New Milton offering delicious home-made fare for all tastes and appetites – Bake, Poppins, Naked Quench, The Garden Café, El Rico, Forest Edge… or if you fancy a glass of some- thing stronger ,with a substantial meal, of course then pop into the Walker Arms, near the Bradbeers Department store. Travel CAR: There are plenty of easy to access car parks in and around the town centre – with Free Parking in the six New Forest District Council car parks in the two weekends before Christmas: 12th/13th and 19th/20th December! BUS: 1A from Christchurch, X1 from Lymington

Sunday Opening To give shoppers more time for shopping when it’s a little quieter, a number of shops and cafés will be opening their doors on the two Sun- days before Christmas – 13th and 20th - when NFDC car parking will be free - including Fagans Menswear, Hardys Electrical, Rose Petals, New Look,, Loni’s, Holland & Barratt, the Barbers at No 1, Naked Quench, Poppins… Visit to find out more about the independ- ent shops in New Milton.

Christmas cards - check! Visit: From the Heart, G&Ts World of Cards, The Card Factory… Kids – check! Toys of New Milton – crammed with games and toys, New Forest Stationers for crafty ideas to keep them happy over the holiday season. And Spacebridge – for Star Wars & Transformers to Lego & Classic Nintendo games. Him – check! Fagans Menswear for quality and quirky, Bradbeers for brands, Simon@91 for classic vinyl, Hardys for DAB radios, Loni’s Angling if you’re fishing for something different! Her - check! Bradbeers for perfume, River Stone for scarves, Charles Nobel for Pandora, Lemon Tree beauty voucher Friends – check! Inspiration – Fantastic and fun – and free gift wrapping! A must-visit on your Christmas shop. Special someone – check! Charles Nobel. Robert Alan Jewellers and Gem World – whether you want the best, the distinctive, the unique or the zeitgeist… you will be spoilt for choice. Home – check! Home is where the heart and these shops will help you with those finishing touches – cushions, bed linen, lighting – visit Bradbeers, New Milton Lighting, Jem Fabrics, S&P Furnishers. Furry friends – check! Our beloved pets who have faithfully helped us through this past year. Superpets and Pets Corner Decorations – check! Inspiration – for stunning style, Rose Petals and Flower Vogue for flower power and leafy loveliness, Milford Supplies for the tinsel-tastic Christmas cooking – check! Everything you need for your Christmas lunch and baking from Raise the Roots, Bartletts Butchers, The Naked Pantry and Breadport.

Every Xmas Lights display brings new challenges, and this year was no exception. Given the rather strange year it has been for everyone, we felt having festive lights was more important than ever. Whilst we had hoped for some additions in Ashley, these unfortunately were not supported as it has been a particularly difficult trading year, with organisations having to cancel fundraising events. We had to seek a new installation contractor in October which was unfortunate, owing to further licence restrictions, but we managed to secure a one-year contract with specialist company Sparkx who have completed the majority of works. They had limited capacity, but thankfully were able to install our display before the end of November after Lymington. Our desire to support local business saw us retain the services of A-Tech whose new connection works did not compromise the licence. We thank both companies for working closely together and making the display happen, acknowledging A-Tech’s willingness to assist the Sparkx team with a few technical questions! Given the extraordinary year it has been for everyone, we were very happy indeed to receive new support from Kimbers Carpets who have sponsored lights in the tree nearest their town centre shop, plus Shamrock Care Services and Raise the Roots have sponsored a new cut tree installation near the Barton Obelisk which we hope will bring some cheer to the cliff top.

For more information, contact: Suna King, town development manager, New Milton Town Council. m: 07392 085 812

We are now in our NEW PREMISES at 16 Station Road,

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WE STOCK AT FAVOURABLE PRICES: • Made-to-measure Roller, Vertical, Venetian and Perfect Fit Blinds, Pleated, Vision • Made-to-measure Curtains and Blinds

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New Milton High Street, BH25 6JX

• Full range of Nets and Voiles • Curtain and Upholstery Fabrics

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• Tracks and Poles + Fittings • Measuring and Fitting Service • Cushion Pads, PVC Table Covers and Protectors

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• End of rolls from £5/m and Remnants • Extensive Gallery of Curtain Fabrics • Ready-made curtains • Upholstery Service LOCAL FAMILY BUSINESS | TRADING OVER 30 YEARS

- New Milton Town Council

Opening Times: Mon-Fri 9:30am - 5pm 01425 617755 •

the christmas shop

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