New Milton Advertiser 13th Nov 2020

Friday 13th November 2020 · 31 · · 01425 613384


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Get ready for winter’s worst – prevention is cheaper than cure!

■ By Glynn Williams MBE, Motoring Correspondent

Simple jobs you can do:

WE know that we are going to encounter wind and rain, so make s ure your windscreen wipers are in g ood condition, screenwash topped up and that the inside of the windscreen is clean to help avoid misting up. Check your engine coolant level an d make sure last year’s ice scraper and de-icer are up to the job. The legal minimum for tyre trea d in the UK is 1.6mm, but for optim um safety start looking for replacemen ts if the depth is below 3mm. Test all your lights regularly. Carry an emergency kit, includin g a warm coat, high visibility jacket or waistcoat, some food and wate r, a good pair of boots, de-icer and scra per, a torch, and a mobile phone with a w ell- charged battery, a charger and rese rve power pack. Remember to store your emergenc y breakdown service number in y our mobile phone, if you have not alre ady downloaded the app which is gener ally a speedier tool for rescue. ■

Karma can catch you out

out the AA whose efficient technician quickly found the alternator had failed. A changed battery got me home and a new alternator was the ultimate cure – but an expert would doubtless have seen the voltage regulator was failing. ■

MANY of us consider ourselves rea- sonably adept at keeping our cars run- ning, myself included. But I was caught out a year or two back within days of imparting such sea- sonal advice when disaster struck as I drove home in the dark and suddenly the headlights flashed bright and went out, bulbs blown. I crawled half a mile to the nearest garage on foglights and bought and fitted two new bulbs under the canopy lighting, then drove home, with no warning lights on the dash. I drove to the office next day, thinking it was just a freak power surge but by the time I was halfway home the lights started dimming, the wipers struggling. This time I pulled over and called t

Weathering winter well a bulb has blown or their washer bo empty! And there are those symptoms indi cat- ing that your car needs attention, such as when it doesn’t fire up instantly at the turn of the key, or struggles to turn over. Or the headlights lose their brillianc e, the wipers run more sluggishly than usu al. Oh, the battery… But it could be that the alternator is not charging the b attery sufficiently because of an aging vo ltage regulator, or because the drive be lt has lost tension through age. Or it cou ld be the starter motor. And then it could be worn out sp ark plugs, failing HT spark plug leads. Any inefficiency through defec tive components will be adding to you r run- ning costs – you’ll get an indicat ion of that if you keep an eye on the car ’s fuel economy. So rather than getting your hands d irty and knuckles grazed, it’s best to t ake it to an expert. There’s nothing bette r than ttle’s

CLOCKS have changed, leaves are fall- ing – sometimes with branches – it’ s wet, dark and no time to be stranded w ith a breakdown. “I kept meaning to…” is a comm on phrase when a breakdown crew m eet a stricken motorist. Most garages are now offering pre-w in- ter service checks, starting with a visual check inside and out including light s and glass, then under the bonnet and under the vehicle with particular attenti on to brakes, steering and tyres. So now’s the time to turn the b est intentions into action and ensure th at our cars are ready for the worst that w inter can throw at us. Remember, preven tion is cheaper than cure! There are simple checks you can c arry out yourself, such as ensuring all your lights are working, the tyres have p lenty of tread and correct pressures, and that fluids are at the correct level – it’s amaz- ing how many cars fail an MoT be cause

a properly serviced car running per fectly – nothing worse than when the e ngine splutters and/or warning lights flash on. And while it’s in for a service d on’t skimp on air conditioning – it’s no t just for heatwaves but to keep the cabin com- fortable andwindows clear all year r ound. These are the main problem areas: Flat or faulty battery The main cause of breakdowns. If yo u’ve got a problemwith your battery, the re’s a good chance it’ll be down to lots of short journeys or a poor electrical conne ction. And because they do not last foreve r. Alternator faults If you’re experiencing persistent bat- tery problems and dim headlights when your engine is idling, you could h ave a fault with your alternator. If your ig nition warning light comes on and the e ngine temperature rises quickly, the bel t that drives the alternator and water pump could have broken which means you should pull over and call for help. Damaged tyres and wheels Tyres are what keep you on the r oad and you need to check tread dept h and pressures regularly. There are s everal key points to remember: If you ca n see uneven tyre wear, your wheels mig ht be misaligned. Get a tyre specialist to c heck. Careful if your car has ‘run-flat’ tyr es – that is a get-you-home system req uiring slow and cautious driving (and pro bably no spare in the boot). If you have a punc- ture the reduced cushioning effe ct of the tyre means the expensive whee l can easily be wrecked by a pothole. If you’ve got a spare wheel make sure that the tyre’s got plenty of tread and inflated ready for use – you never know when you might need it. Many cars now only have a tyre infl ator and sealant kit. If you have a jack, make sure that it is in good condition and easily accessible, along with any wheel re moval tools and that vital locking whee l nut adaptor. ■

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Don’t get caught out this WINTER!!

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Choosing new tyres of year if, lockdowns permitting, you’re heading off to the Christmas markets or skiing – not only provide better grip if the going gets white but better adhesion on clear roads in low temperatures. They don’t have to look like something off a monster truck to do the business either. There are dozens of winter tyres available from the major brands, and these are distin- guished by snowflake labelling, with a ‘sun’ logo if suitable as a summer tyre too.

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There are winter tyres for cars, vans and 4x4s, with run-flat and extra load versions – extra load being a key consideration if you have fitted car alloys to a van. And just remember to check the costs for fitting and balancing – with the reassurance of experts who will help in your selection. Finally remember that nothing sticks on a sheet of ice – when the temperature plum- mets – all-wheel drive can just as easily become all-wheel slide. ■

WORN tyres whatever the reason will need replacing with the onset of winter her- alded by roads awash from torrential down- pours and littered with drain-blocking slith- ery leaves. Some tyre specialists are offering spe- cial discount deals, but rather than simply opting for “the same again”, check out the specification as well as the pricing. Winter tyres – mandatory by law in many countries in continental Europe at this time

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