New Milton Advertiser 13th Nov 2020
32 · Friday 13th November 2020 · · 01425 613384
Recruitment DEPUTY CHILDCARE MANAGER (1-year Maternity Cover, starting Feb 2021) Salary: £23,794 - £25,410 (Nursery pay scale point 9-11) Hours: 37hrs per week (20 hours of ce/17 hour’s children’s rooms)
Public Notices
Linage Deadline: Wednesday. 10.30am 01425 613384 •
SECRETARIAL required part-time maybe more to write the book! (Legal experience? or retired). Flexi hours to suit. — Contact Mike 07979 865895. help
St. George’s Home Care
Requires HEALTH CARE ASSISTANTS Days and Nights
MARINE AND COASTAL ACCESS ACT 2009 APPLICATION FOR HURST CASTLE - INSTALLATION OF ROCK ARMOUR SEA PROTECTIONAND BEACH SHINGLE RECHARGE Notice is hereby given that Mr Ben Flynn, English Heritage Trust, Osborne House, Osborne House Estate, East Cowes, PO32 6JX, has applied to the Marine Management Organisation under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, Part 4, for a marine licence to undertake urgent shingle recharge to the beach at Hurst Castle. Copies of the application and associated information may be viewed on line in the Public Register at . Representations in respect of the application should ordinarily be made by: - Visiting the MMO public register at: MMO_PUBLIC_REGISTER/search?area=3 and accessing the `Public Representation’ section of case reference MLA/2020/00409 ; However, we will also accept representations via the following formats: - By email to ;or alternatively - By letter addressed to Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle uponTyne, NE4 7YH. In all cases, correspondence must: - Be received within 28 days of the date of the first notice, 13 November 2020. - Quote the case reference; and - include an address to which correspondence relating to the representation or objection may be sent. The Marine Management Organisation will pass to the applicant a copy of any objection or representation we receive. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (GENERAL PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT) (ENGLAND) ORDER 2015 (as amended) NOTICE OF MAKING OF A DIRECTION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 4(1) IN RESPECT OF LAND AT LOT 2, PETLAKE FARM, RINGWOOD ROAD, BARTLEY, SOUTHAMPTON (SO40 7LA), KNOWN AS ‘TERRY’S PATCH’ TAKE NOTICE that the above mentioned Direction was made pursuant to article 4(1) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) by the New Forest National Park Authority, being the appropriate local planning authority on 3 November 2020. The Direction will come into force on 9 November 2020. The effect of the Direction will be to withdraw permitted development rights pursuant to Class A of Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the aforementioned Order (the erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure) unless express planning permission is subsequently granted by the appropriate local planning authority to permit development of that Class. The Direction and accompanying Plan have been placed and may be seen free of charge at the offices of the New Forest National Park Authority, Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9ZG, between the hours of 10.00 am and 2.00 pm Monday to Friday. In view of the current coronavirus pandemic, it is requested that an email is sent at least 24 hours prior to visiting to . Copies of the Direction and Plan are also available to view on the Authority’s website at . Any representations about the Direction should be made at any time from 9 November 2020 but no later than 14 December 2020 addressed to the Enforcement Manager, New Forest National Park Authority, Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9ZG or by email to , quoting “Article 4 Direction – Cadnam – Class A Part 2 of Schedule 2 GPDO”. In deciding whether to confirm the Direction, the New Forest National Park Authority shall take into account any representations that are received no later than 14 December 2020. Dated 3 November 2020 Alison Barnes Chief Executive New Forest National Park Authority
HELP@HAND - Experienced and kind young woman. DBS checked and Covid aware. Food shopping, collecting prescriptions, driving, companionship, babysitting and other support. References available. — 07840 386470. DECOR-AID painting, decorating, papering — S. Tuddenham, 01425 638761. New Milton.
Nursery & Pre-school Highwood Nursery, Brockenhurst We are currently looking to recruit a temporary level 3 quali ed Deputy Childcare Manager to cover my current deputies leave. You will be required to work within our dedicated and enthusiastic staff team, working alongside the rest of our Management team to support with the day to day running of the setting. You will need at least 2 years’ experience of working in a group care setting, having taken the lead in supporting staff and parents in an identi ed area i.e. Behaviour Management, SENCO, CP etc. You must be able to demonstrate comprehensive understanding of childcare, development and behaviour and hold a full and relevant level 3 childcare quali cation. You will need to have good computer skills to support the duties required within the of ce and be able to demonstrate good knowledge of OFSTED requirements and the EYFS. You should have good organisational skills and be able to prioritise your workload to ensure relevant tasks are completed on time. whilst holding good knowledge of relevant safeguarding requirements and have a good understanding of policies and procedures that would support children’s safeguarding and wellbeing. Whilst knowledge of budgets and nance is not essential, a logical, practical and mathematical approach is critical for various aspects of this role. You should have good people skills and show that you have experience of managing and motivating staff within a team effectively. You need to be able to communicate effectively with parents, children and staff, and have the con dence to liaise with outside agencies and relevant departments within the college, to support the nursery. Please apply through Brockenhurst College website or for further information about the post, please contact Vicky the Childcare Manager, at Highwood Nursery on 01590 625332. The College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expects all staff to share this commitment. The successful applicant will be required to undertake appropriate safeguarding checks which includes an enhanced DBS check as well as providing proof of right to work in the UK. Head of Juniors We are seeking to appoint a dynamic new Head of Juniors for April 2021 (or September 2021). The successful candidate will be an enthusiastic and inspirational leader with drive and energy who will foster a safe, happy and productive atmosphere across all aspects of the Juniors. Youwill actively promote and safeguard the welfare of the pupils within the department. The Junior Department covers Years 3 - 5 and you will be required to take on the role of a form teacher (with a reduced timetable). You will work at the heart of the Walhampton community and be a key member of the Senior Leadership Team. This position provides a wonderful opportunity to work in a highly successful and vibrant Prep school with well-motivated children and small classes. An enthusiasm for extra-curricular activities and the motivation to be part of a busy and thriving day and boarding school is essential. a full job description and application formmust be requested by email from Candidates wishing to apply should complete an application form and send a letter of application outlining their educational philosophy as well as demonstrating how they meet the appointment criteria. Closing date for applications: 9am on Monday, 23rd november 2020. date for interview: Week beginning 30th november 2020. Further information about Walhampton is available at Walhampton School is an equal opportunities employer and committed to safeguarding andpromoting thewelfare of young people. The successful applicantwill be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring check and satisfactory references. 01425 613384 to place a classified advertisement College, Lyndhurst Road, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, SO42 7ZE • T: 01590 625332
Contracted Hours Available £750 Golden Bonus* Staff of the month reward Offering the BEST local pay rates Weekday rate from — £10.00 Weekend rate from — £11.50 Weekly COVID-19 testing for all staff Paid travel time and mileage Double Pay for bank holidays All applicants must be willing to work alternative weekends Email: Or call Yoli on: 01590 644258 *terms apply DO YOU WANT TO USE YOUR FINANCIAL FLAIR TO MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE TO YOUNG PEOPLES’ FUTURES? Salary Grade G (£41562 - £46776) Pro-Rata TEMPORARY PART TIME (up to 16 months Maternity Cover) 22.5 hours per week. 52 weeks with some flexibility of working hours. The Gryphon Trust is seeking an enthusiastic and energetic individual with the ability to work under their own initiative with sound personal, administration and time management. This exciting senior management role forms part of the leadership team of the MAT that includes The Arnewood and Eaglewood School. The role will be; • To provide high quality strategic financial planning to ensure the MAT makes efficient use of its resources that will enable it to provide the best outcomes for its pupils. • To lead on matters relating to finance, including asset management, payroll and HR. Application forms are available online at or can be requested from Mrs V Woods, Completed applications should be sent to Mr Alan O’Sullivan, CEO by 0900 Friday 4 th December 2020 . Interviews will be held in December. The Gryphon Trust 01425 625400 | Gore Road, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 6RS The Gryphon Trust follows best practice in recruiting staff in relation to safeguarding and is an equal opportunities employer. SENIOR FINANCE OFFICER
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Part Time School Drivers required in the New Forest area to transport children to and from school. Working Monday to Friday Term Time only. 16 – 30 hours per week - dependant on route. Full car driving licence required, we supply a vehicle for work purposes & cover all associated vehicle costs. You must enjoy working with children, be t and reliable. Annual salary £5200 - £10200 subject to route. To discuss the role please telephone Erica Kerby on 07901 160575 or email Part Time School Driver – Term Time Only
from only £24 plus vat
Support Workers and Senior Support Workers. Apple House Ltd supports adults with a learning disability across 5 registered homes in Bournemouth, New Milton and Christchurch. What are the bene ts of working with us? • Great career opportunities • Bonus cash payment to join our team *subject to terms & conditions • Amazing back up and support • Full training given • Future training mapped out for you • Superb pay! Please feel free to give us a call to talk through the role and provide any assistance you may need with your application. For an Application Form and Job Description, Telephone: 01202 485597 Email: *Golden Ticket of £100 to join our team
Citizens Advice New Forest
Carers needed For small ‘Covid Free’ care home in Barton on Sea. Experienced and non experienced can apply as full training will be given. Flexible hours. Full or part-time. Contact 07803 294134 or 07901 557060 Chef/Cook needed 2 or 3 days per week and holiday cover. At a small ‘Covid Free’
Citizens Advice New Forest is a local independent charity providing free and independent advice to help people solve the dif culties they face. Our advice services have never been more in need so we seeking committed and dedicated individuals to be part of our team and help us develop our services to the next level. Volunteer Training and Development Manager £23,049 pro rata
To place an advert or for more info call 01425 613384
24 hours per week, 18 month contract Trainee Advice Services Manager £23,049 pro rate 27 hours per week, permanent Trainee Debt Adviser £20,400 37.5 hours per week, 12 month xed term contract Meetings Secretary / Admin support £18,000 8 hours per week, 12 month contract Finance of cer £22 - £24,000 16 hours per week, permanent Closing date: 30th Nov 2020 Interview date: online interviews to be held.
Stay informed of what’s going on in your local community Road Closures, Planning and Licensing Applications
care home in Barton-on-Sea. Call 07803 294134 for more information.
For further details and to apply please visit where detailed job speci cations are posted. Alternatively contact Alison Talbot via e-mail We value diversity, promote equality and welcome applications from all sections of the community.
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• confidential • impartial • independent • free •
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31-33 Compton Road, New Milton, Hants BH25 6EQ 01425 613384 •
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