New Milton Advertiser 13th Nov 2020

Friday 13th November 2020 · 33 · · 01425 613384

Community Information

either too busy to notice, or too needy themselves to care that he was suffering from exhaus - tion. But his father-in-law Jethro noticed it and said, ‘The thing that thou doest is not good. Thou wilt surely wear away… this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not able to perform it thyself alone’ (Exodus 18:17-18 KJV). Fortunately, Moses found the answer. And it was in two parts: 1) Delegate the work to qualified people and trust them to do it. The essence of good leadership is not about trying to do everything yourself, but getting it done through others. Or as nineteenth-century evan- For more information about what we can do, contact Sue Larking, Divisional Secretary SSAFA New Forest 07712 569016. The Royal Naval Association Christchurch Provides companionship and support for serving and veterans of seagoing organisa- tions. Meetings on 3rd Thursday each month, 11am at Portfield Hall, Portfield Rd, Christchurch. Contact Christine Payne: 01202 474819 Totton & Eling Community Drop-in Community Centre, SO40 3AP. Informa- tion contact Susan Compton 023 8087 3143 or email Trading Standards

All consumer complaints for both Bourne- mouth and Hampshire residents need to be reported to the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 08454 040506. citizensadvice. htm For business advice Bournemouth office 01202 451551, Hampshire office 01962 833620. Victim Support New Forest, Totton and Romsey Victim Support helpline for victims of crime, 023 8064 5578. Waterside Cancer Support Centre A free non-clinical drop in centre for the benefit of anyone and their family affected by cancer, living in the Waterside, New Forest, Totton and surrounding areas. Based at; The Grove, 25 St Johns Street, Hythe SO45 6BZ. Tel: 02381 780 409 email: info@waterside Opening hours; Mon-Fri 10-4pm.

Abuse Of Elderly Action on Elder Abuse: 020 8765 7000. Age Concern Christchurch Contact: Telephone 01202 488311 (out of hours answer phone) Email via our website Local and national information for older people and their carers at 85 Bargates, Christchurch BH23 1QQ. Information office open from 9.30am – 4pm Monday to Fridays. Age Concern New Forest Advice and information, 10am–1pm weekdays 023 8084 1199 (out of hours an- swerphone) or freephone 0800 085 6625 Lunch clubs, computer clubs, footcare, Befriending, Pop-In and Waterside Good- neighbours, call 023 8084 1199 for details. AIDS Worried or concerned about HIV or AIDS? Telephone 01202 311166, 24 hour helpline. AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS Living with alcoholism can be a lonely life. Support groups for family and friends of problem drinkers meet in the evenings for more information Helpline 020 7403 0888 (10am – 10pm). Alcohol & Drug Recovery Service The New Forest Inclusion service offers accessible recovery for adults. No referral needed just come along to one of our sites during Open Access and one of our dedicated team will help you develop a plan to support your recovery. We offer groups, acupuncture, medical interventions, counselling and a needle exchange. Call 0300 124 0103. Alcoholics Anonymous Drink problem? There is a way out. Call 023 8022 3198 or 0800 9177650 (24 hours). Free help, support and advice from recover- ing alcoholics. Meetings daily throughout New Forest and Southampton, all welcome. Alzheimer’s Society If you are worried or concerned about someone with memory problems or confu- sion, and you need advice and information, contact our Helpline 023 8061 0159. Brendon Care Get Together Club We are a friendly social club for older peo- ple who meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednes- days in the month at 2–4pm in St Mary Magdalene Church Hall, New Milton. Enquir- ies 01962 852133. Transport Michael 01425 617609. Call and Go An accessible community transport ser- vice covering New Forest and Waterside are- as. Bookings 9am – 12noon Monday – Friday (answering ser- vice other times) 01425 461751. Don’t be burdened by debt problems. Re- ceive free help and advice in your own home with total confidentiality and join thousands of other people nationwide who are now debt free following this help and ongoing support 0800 3280006. Carers Together For help and information call on tel no: 01794 519495 or out of office hours call 08000 323456 10am – 8pm Mon.-Fri 10am – 4.30pm weekend / Bank Holidays. Childline Confidential free helpline for children and young people for bullying, abuse, family rela- tionships, neglect, etc. 0800 1111. Service provided by NSPCC, Weston House, Curtain Road, London, EC2A 3NH. Community Hearing Programme Free drop-in sessions available Ringwood Meeting House, every Wednesday 10am – 12 noon. Free ear examinations, consultation with registered hearing aid audiologist, ad- vice about hearing aids. Compass Counselling A confidential counselling service for the local community. Help with stress, depres- sion, relationships, bereavement, etc. For an appointment or details please ring 01590 674011. Counselling Together (New Forest) Professional and confidential counselling service for help with depression, anxiety, loss, relationship etc including couples. Lo- cation across the New Forest. Please call 07983 320450 for an appointment or further details Cruse Bereavement Care — New Forest Offers free and confidential bereavement support by trained and experienced volun- teers to residents of New Forest, West Wa- terside, Christchurch, Bournemouth & Poole. If you need help telephone 01202 418555 or email Web- site Diabetes Helpline Support for diabetes sufferers and their families. Quarterly newsletter and informa- tion booklet available. Call 01604 622837 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday, or e-mail en- CAP (Christians Against Poverty) One to one help and support for people age 50 plus affected by cancer living in Dor- set. Call Help and Care (charity number 1055056) Telephone 0300 111 3303. Everton and Milford on Sea Dementia Activity Group) Providing music and fun with afternoon tea. For people with dementia and their car- ers. 2nd Thurs of each month from 2pm- 4pm. Contact Sandy 01425 610122 or Joan 01425 623263 Family Lives Free confidential telephone helpline on 0808 800 2222 Online advice, peer support and information on all aspects of family life at Access to online parenting courses and Parent TV. Face to face support groups and workshops For further information about Family Lives in Hampshire contact 02380 557130. Fibromyalgia Support Meet 3rd Monday each month at 2pm at St Catherine’s Community Hall, Marlow Drive, Christchurch, BH23 2RR. Contact Marilyn Kellow 01425 274295. Dorset Macmillan Advocacy

First opportunities A Registered Charity (299671) providing therapeutic play and education for babies and young children with special needs. Forest Pregnancy Counselling Free confidential service to all. Free preg - nancy test with an immediate result. Caring and confidential help in pregnancy crisis, post abortion counselling, second hand baby equipment, someone to talk to following pregnancy loss. Tel: Bournemouth 01202 566134, Southampton 023 8078 3134. Gambling Counselling Options Plus provides free one to one professional confidential counselling for any - one concerned with problem gambling. In partnership with Gamcare. Tel: 0845 600 0133 Hampshire Ataxia Support Group (part of ATAXIA UK) We meet regularly at Camellia’s restau- rant, Everton Garden Centre (A337 between Lymington and New Milton) for chat, ex- change of ideas and information. Social out- ings too! Details from co-ordinator - Jenny Rose 01590 645739. hArt Creative Support for mental health Wednesday drop-in group 10.30 – 12.30 for adults in Lymington call 01590 435045 for details or see HOPe Advice Centre and Befriending Service for older people open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am – 2pm. Advice 01425 629009 befriending 01425 541241. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust FREE booklets — ‘Diabetes Everyday Eating’ and menu plan and ‘Type 2 Diabetes — Management and Medication’. Wide vari- ety of information available. Contact IDDT, PO Box 294, Northampton NN1 4XS. 01604 622837 email: It’s Your Choice It’s Your Choice – free, confidential infor - mation, advice, guidance, and counselling for young people aged 11-25. Free helpline on 0800 515 819 or main office on 023 8086 4231 or visit LIVER4LIFE Offers a local monthly coffee morning for anyone with an autoimmune liver condition, for support and friendship. We meet on 2nd Tuesday of the month, at Castlepoint Library, Bournemouth, BAH 9UP, 10.30am – 12noon. Please contact Anna via email: develop- For further support please contact our Helpline: 0800 074 3494 (Mon to Fri 8am – 8pm) or visit our website: Lost Property Anyone finding property can be listed at no charge in the A&T. Please ring 01425 613384. Lymington Care Group Provide transport all your medical ap- pointments. Locally and to Southampton, Poole and Bournemouth in fact anywhere you need to go. Telephone 01590 679187 between 9am and 5pm. Lymington Dementia Action Group We are a volunteer group to support peo- ple locally living with dementia. We can point you to help and support mentia or email lymingtondementiaac- Lymington Hospital Radio Broadcasting 24/7 to Lymington New For- est Hospital, Residential Care Homes and online Daily Request show. Volunteer Request Collectors and Present- ers required, training given. Contact 01590 663366 or through website. Lymington Macular Society Support Group Our local support group meets the first Thursday of every month at the Community Association, New Street, Lymington. Further details and programme of events contact Tom McInulty on 01264 321963. Meditation Circle Mindfulness / Meditation monthly group, Everton. First Wednesday of every month 8pm. Tim 01590 642110. One to one sessions available. Milford-On-Sea Care Group We aim to assist those who live in Milford, Everton, Keyhaven and Downton. Transport can be arranged to all medical facilities, in- cluding hospitals, surgeries, dentists, opti- cians, etc. For assistance, or to offer yourself as a volunteer driver or office helper, ring 01590 641700 office hours Mon-Fri 9.–11am, 2 – 4pm. Moving Forward Stroke Support Group at Milford Group meets on Tuesday mornings at Mil- ford-on-Sea Community Centre. Come along and meet other people affected by stroke, practice your communication skills, share ex- periences and tips for dealing with stroke, enjoy a range of activities on 01425 275139. Multiple Sclerosis Society The Lymington and District Branch. De- tails of meetings and other activities, includ- ing Pilates and physio sessions, are available on our website or via our chairman, Sue Niekirk on 023 8028 2138. Narcotics Anonymous If you have a drug problem talk to some- one who’s been there. For free help call 0300 999 1212 or go to our website Neighbourcare New Milton Provides medically-related transport to hospitals, clinics, surgeries, etc, for the elder- ly and infirm who cannot access other forms of transport, also shopping assistance. Very affordable rates. 01425 611662 15b White- field Road, New Milton, BH25 6DE. 9.30am to 12.30pm Weekdays. Road traffic accident involving a pony, cow, donkey, pig, sheep, dog or deer please contact the police (24hrs) – 999 (emergen- cy). 101 (non emergency) It is the law to re- port all accidents as soon as possible and within 24 hours. Sick, injured or distressed pony, cow, don- key, pig or sheep should be reported to the Verderers’ office – 023 8028 2052 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or Forestry Commission – 0300 067 4600 (24hours). New Forest Animal Emergency Hotlines

New Forest Bike Project CIC A social enterprise that takes in unwanted bicycles, refurbishes & relocates them, supporting disadvantaged people in the local community. See Facebook/Twitter @newforestbike. Contact T: 07818 403114 E: louis New Forest Breast cancer Support Group Volunteers with different experiences of breast cancer providing a support group. Meeting every fourth Wednesday of the month 7.30pm – 9.00pm. Join us for a drink and a chat at the Crown Inn, Everton SO41 0JJ.Contact Lynn Kingsbeer 01425 628309 email New Forest Carers Friends Offers support and social events for Car- ers and their family and friends. We arrange meetings, carers’ cafes, outings, relaxation days and special events in the Forest. For more information contact us on 01794 519495 (information and advice), 07920 506343 (activities), 08000 323456 (Listening Line (365 days a year). Write to - 9 Love Lane, Romsey, SO51 8DE, or email admin@ Free, confidential, disability-related ad - vice, benefits, equipment, signposting and support with Disabled Facilities Grants appli- cations. For any age/disability in New Forest. Helpline 01425 628750 info@newforestdis., 6 Osborne Road, New Milton daily and numerous out- reach locations. New Forest Mediation Problem with neighbours? Needing free confidential help resolving conflicts about noise, children, parking, rubbish, animals, boundaries and other problems? Contact Sa- rah Dodd Co-ordinator 023 8071 0101. New Forest Mencap 3 social clubs for people with learning dis- abilities, friendship, new skills, build confi - dence • Shop in New Milton, work experience for LD • Volunteers welcome for clubs or shop 01425 624893 newforestmencap. New Forest Tinnitus Support Group A non-profit community organisation affili - ated with the British Tinnitus Association, supporting people who experience tinnitus or hyperacusis. We host informative weekend group sessions (10.30-12.00) at the Lynd- hurst Community Centre. There is no mem- bership required, just a £3 fee per session. Next proposed meeting date 14th November, but please visit our website to check this meeting is going ahead before attending. For more information please visit our web- site or follow us on Facebook New Milton Carers Support Group Do you care for a spouse, child, parent or friend? The group offers support and friend- ship. Meetings on 2nd Monday monthly. Info. 01425 614714. New Milton Friends Group Small grants and fundraising for local good causes. If you are a local charity or community organisation in need of a small grant, download an application form from We’d also like to hear from new volunteers who would like to help at our fundraising events. New Forest Disability Information Service

New Milton Stroke Group Are you a stroke survivor, perhaps feeling a bit frustrated and isolated? Join our weekly meetings to socialise, share experiences and be entertained. Call our helpline 07562

Silver Line Esther Rantzen’s new free telephone help line for older people. Call any time day or night 24/7 just to chat and hear a friendly voice. Totally confidential call 0800 470 8090 Simon Says Supporting bereaved children and their families, monthly support groups held. For more information, advice or support please contact Suite 3, Chatmohr Estate Office Village, Crawley Hill, West Wellow, SO51 6AP. Office: 08453 055 744. Helpline: 023 8064 7550. Solent NHS Trust Out of hours service (Monday-Friday 6.30pm — 8am and all weekends and bank holidays) 0300 300 2012. For urgent medical problems when your GP surgery is closed. SSAFA Forces Help, New Forest Division We offer advice and support to anyone who has ever served in HM Forces, or their dependants.

225396 for details. New Milton Talking Newspaper

Provides the blind and partially sighted with free weekly recording of news and infor- mation from local papers including the “A & T”. Recordings are on memory stick and an easy to use and inexpensive player is availa- ble. For further details contact Adam Sing- field 01425 616361. Open Sight (Hants Assoc. For Care of Blind) Supporting local people with sight loss. For further details contact 023 8064 1244. Options General Counselling Our professionally trained counsellors provide support for a number of issues in- cluding: Loss, anxiety, stress, self-esteem, confidence, redundancy and problems at New Forest Branch of Parkinson’s UK meets on the third Thursday of each month at Boldre War Memorial Hall, Pilley Street, Pil- ley SO41 5QG from 2pm to 4.30pm. Support and information is available to people with Parkinson’s, their carers, families and friends. Contact the Chairman on 01590 672951. Police Non urgent calls to phone 101 or in an emergency only, 999. Registration offices opening times Hampshire Registration Service, for infor- mation and to make an appointment call 0845 603 5637, Monday-Friday, 8am – 8pm. Saturday 9.30am – 4pm or visit registration RE-SOLV The Society for the Prevention of Solvent and Volatile Substance Abuse freephone na- tional helpline 01785 810762, available Mon- day-Friday, 9am – 5pm (excluding public holidays) offering information and support. work. Tel; 0800 0184 309. Parkinson’s UK Ensuring members of the Armed Forces community in/around Christchurch receive whatever support they need. Telephone: 01202 485300 and leave a message. Also, see our website uk/branches/christchurch The Coates Centre A service that provides free support to an- yone who is bereaved, diagnosed with or caring for someone who has an illness. Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm | 01590 677198 | The Royal Naval Association Christchurch Provides companionship and support for serving and veterans of seagoing organisa- tions. Meetings on 3rd Thursday each month, 11am at Portfield Hall, Portfield Rd, Christchurch. Contact Christine Payne: 01202 474819 Samaritans We are available 24 hours of every day to listen and share the problems of those in cri- sis and distress in total confidence. You are also welcome to visit any of our Branches between 9am and 9pm. Phone us free on 116 123. Silverlinks Free home visits for older people to talk through any worries or anxieties. Our trained volunteers work in total confidence to find/ arrange solutions so enjoy life again. 07825 168364 H.O. 01785 817885. Royal British Legion Christchurch Branch

THE BIBLE Deal with the stress in your life ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’

Exodus 33:14

Is life overwhelming you? You’re not alone. Moses, one of the greatest leaders in histo- ry, got so stressed out with the responsibilities he was carry- ing that he wanted to die. You say, ‘Surely that wasn’t God’s will for him.’ You’re right. But it’s not enough to know God’s will, you’ve got to do things God’s way. Moses was working from early morning until late at night, six days a week, with no holidays and no time off. He was eating on the run, planning appointments, meeting dead- lines, and seeing everybody who wanted to see him. And the people close to Moses were

gelist D.L. Moody said, ‘Instead of trying to do the work of ten people, get ten people to do the work.’ 2) Draw on God’s strength rather than your own. God told Moses, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’ The word ‘rest’ means ‘inner peace, well-being, securi- ty, and confidence’. And God’s will is for you to live that way. The Word For Today is written by Bob and Debby Gass. Source: The word 4U 2Day. Free issues of Daily Devotional are available from PO Box 255 Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8RY Tel: 0845 6040401

Bereavement Services


E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 0 4

The Tapper and Hayley families have served the local community for over 110 years. We combine traditional values with impeccable service and modern facilities.

• Available at any time of the day or night • We have a direct relationship with the new Harbour View Crematorium, set to the west of Poole overlooking the Purbeck Hills, which has an inspirational service chapel with a modern approach to funeral services and minimum 90 minutes separation between funerals. • Prepaid funeral plans from £2,970

Text or call us on 07867 502624. New Milton Macular Support Group

This local support group normally meets monthly at the Community Association in Os- borne Road, New Milton. For our programme and further details please ring Paul Burton – 01425 501956.

Find out more at or contact your local office. NEW MILTON 51-53 Old Milton Road, New

MILFORD-ON-SEA Wallis House, 28 High Street, Milford-on-Sea SO41 0QD 01590 644664

HIGHCLIFFE 257 Lymington Road, Highcliffe BH23 6FD 01425 272764

Milton BH25 6DJ 01425 629000


Wessex Funeral Services (New Forest) Ltd. • Family Run Independent Funeral Directors • Willows Direct Cremations from £990 Wessex Cremation Package from £2,195 Wessex Burial Package £1,995 plus Cemetery Fees 3 Bursledon House, Station Road, New Milton BH25 6HT 01425 383844 (24 hour) •

Diamond & Son Funeral Directors

Proudly serving your local community 9 Lower Buckland Road, Hampshire SO41 9DN 01590 608264 Lymington Call us for advice and support 24 hours a day Prepaid funeral plans available

Little Holbrook, 56 Brookley Road, Brockenhurst, SO42 7RA An understandable and often common concern is the cost of a funeral and we promise to ensure all clients are fully aware of all the choices open to them; from the most elaborate and involved services to the most simple. It will also be ur policy not to c arge families who find themselv s in the dreadful position of losing a child up to and including the age of 18 years.” Mic ael said, “Some pe ple may wonder why my name isn’t ab ve he door with M ria’s but to be hon st I think she deserves that recognition because what she does is unique and although I am a qualified fu er l direc or, Maria has an inbuilt instinct to not only person lise a funeral in ways that bring comfort to the bereav d but demonstrates a level of care and support second to none. For families she has served before, they will know exactly what I mean.”

Our family serving your family Telephone 01590 622981 Through acquisitions and mergers, the family moved from London to Buckinghamshire, Winchester, Lymington and finally to Brockenhurst where Maria was the funeral director at R. Hallum, owned by the Co-op. Maria said, “Many people thought Hallums was my own business because we lived there and were always available. Michael was part of the senior management team at the Co-op at the time and was often away but when he retired in 2016 my role was to change and it was then we decided it was time to open our own business.

Maria Jones is pleased to announce the opening of her new funeral home in Brockenhurst located in premises which were previously Robert Bruce Hairdressers, behind Spencer’s Estate Agents. Maria said, “It has been very difficult to find the right premises but the wait has been worth it and we feel fortunate to be now in a position where we can offer an independent local family service”. Maria will be assisted by her husband Michael, who between them have 55 years experience in funeral service, working in the past for large companies including former royal funeral directors, J H. Kenyon. Michael said, “We were privileged in London to serve not only the rich and famous but also those who didn’t have anything or anyone, sometimes not even a name which meant that often only ourselves and a minister would gather around the grave.”

An understandable and often common concern is the cost of a funeral and we promise to ensure all clients are fully aware of all the choices open to them; from the most elaborate and involved services to the most simple. It will also be our policy not to charge families who find themselves in the dreadful position of losing a child up to and including the age of 18 years.” Michael said, “Some people may wonder why my name isn’t above the door with Maria’s but to be honest I think she deserves that recognition because what she does is unique and although I am a qualified funeral director, Maria has an inbuilt instinct to not only personalise a funeral in ways that bring comfort to the bereaved but demonstrates a level of care and support second to none. For families she has served before, they will know exactly what I mean.”

Maria Jones is pleased to announce the opening of her new funeral home in Brockenhurst located in premises which were previously Robert Bruce Hairdressers, behind Spencer’s Estate Agents. Maria said, “It has been very difficult to find the right premises but the wait has been worth it and we feel fortunate to be now in a position where we can offer an independent local family service”. Maria will be assisted by her husband Michael, who between them have 55 years experience in funeral service, working in the past for large companies including former royal funeral directors, J H. Kenyon. Michael said, “We were privileged in London to serve not only the rich and famous but also those who didn’t have anything or anyone, sometimes not even a name which meant that often only ourselves and a minister would gather around the grave.”

An understandable and often common concern is the cost of a funeral and we promise to ensure all clients are fully aware of all the choices open to them; from the most elaborate and involved services to the most simple. It will also be our policy not to charge families who find themselves in the dreadful position of losing a child up to and including the age of 18 years.” Michael said, “Some people may wonder why my name isn’t above the door with Maria’s but to be honest I think she deserves that recognition because what she does i unique and although I am a qualified funeral director, Maria has an inbuilt instinct to not only personalise a funeral in ways tha bring comfort to the bereaved but demonstrates a level of care and support second to none. For families sh has serve before, they will know exactly what I mean.”

Maria Jones is pleased to announce the opening of her new funeral home in Brockenhurst located in premises which were previously Robert Bruce Hairdressers, behind Spencer’s Estate Agents. Mari said, “It has been very difficult to find the right premises but t wait has been worth it and we feel fortunate to be now in a position where we can offer an independent local family service”. Maria will b assisted by her hu band Michael, who between them have 55 years experience in funeral s rvice, working in the past f r large companies including former royal funeral dir ctors, J H. Kenyon. Mich el said, “We were privileged in London to serve not only the rich and famous but also those w o didn’t have a ything or anyone, sometim s not even a name which meant that often only ourselves and a minister would gather around the grave.”

e Memorial Specialists

Through acquisitions and mergers, the family moved from London to Buckinghamshire, Winchester, Lymington and finally to Brockenhurst where Maria was the funeral director at R. Hallum, owned by the Co-op. Maria said, “Many people thought Hallums was my own business because we lived there and were always available. Michael was part of the senior management team at the Co-op at the time and was often

Through acquisitions and mergers, the family moved from London to Buckinghamshire, Winchester, Lymington and finally to Brockenhurst where Maria was the funeral director at R. Hallum, owned by the Co-op. Maria said, “Many people thought Hallums was my own business because we lived there and were always available. Michael was part of the senior management team at the Co-op at the time and was often

Find us here, behind Spencers Estate Agents and opposite the main pay & display car-park

Little Holbrook

Find us here, behind Spencers Estate Agents and opposite the main pay & display car-park

Grigg Ln. Find us here, behind Spencers Estate Agents and opposite the main pay & display car-park

Little Holbrook

Little Holbrook

rigg Ln.

rigg Ln.

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