New Milton Advertiser 23rd Oct 2020
8 · Friday 23rd October 2020 · · 01425 613384
Ex-RAF o cer flies in for top college job
Court date after crash and pursuit A MOTORIST will appear in court following a police pursuit in Christchurch which involved a crash with another vehicle. Scott Melborne (50), of Christchurch, has been charged with driving without due care and attention, driv- ing while disqualified, and failing to stop when required by a constable. He is also accused of driving with no insurance and without an MoT. Melborne is due to appear at Poole Magistrates’ Court on Friday 11th Decem- ber. Market traders noise complaint LYMINGTON market trad- ers will be written to follow- ing complaints to the council alleging excessive noise early in the morning. It was agreed at Lyming- ton and Pennington Town Council’s policy and resourc- es meeting to change the regulations to state that noise prior to trading hours must be “kept to a minimum as far as is reasonably prac- ticable”. Speaking later, a coun- cil spokesperson said the complaints from residents in various locations were not aimed at any particular traders but related to “set- up noise”. Man told to pay police o cer A LYMINGTON man who attacked a police officer has been ordered to pay £50 compensation to the victim. Christopher Brennan (29), of Setley House, pleaded guilty to assaulting PC Robert Hone by beating in Ringwood on 7th September. Southampton magistrates discharged the defendant conditionally for one year, and ordered he pay £106 costs.
tential no matter what their background, academic ability or future goals. This same ethos will remain at the forefront of everything we will do under my leadership.” She added: “One of the rea- sons I applied to be principal at Brock was because it is the kind of place where people care for others, plus I know all the staff are prepared to go the extra mile.” Ms Perkins currently lives in Cornwall and enjoys writing po- etry, DIY, mountain-biking and sea-kayaking. Having joined aged 18 as a supply officer after schooling in Lincolnshire, Ms Perkins be- came an expert in logistics. Suc- cessive promotions to squadron leader, wing commander and then air commodore followed. She also holds an MA in de- fence studies from King’s Col- lege London. Cyprus was her last deployment with the RAF following previous stays in Kosovo and Afghanistan. A 2007 posting to Virginia in the US saw Ms Perkins help de- velop practices to enable Nato nations to streamline logistics on operations. Welcoming the new princi- pal, chair of governors Graham Beards said: “Without doubt, Polly is going to be a very wor- thy successor to Di Roberts, who has been an outstanding and inspirational principal.”
Air commodore spent more than 30 years in the force
The paddleboarders were rescued off Lepe (Photo: Calshot RNLI)
Paddleboarding pair rescued from strong tide
BROCKENHURST College is flying high with a former RAF air commodore taking com- mand in the new year. Outgoing principal Di Rob- erts is stepping down after 14 years in the post and will be re- placed by Air Commodore SN Perkins – known as Polly – who will start work on 1st January. She was recently made a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Hon- ours for her work as deputy commander and chief-of-staff for British forces in Cyprus, and for more than 30 years’ service to the RAF. “I feel really excited about my new role at Brock – actually, I can’t wait,” Ms Perkins said. “I spent a few days at Brock in September as part of my transition from the military. I met with various teams across the college and everyone was inspirational. Afterwards I felt invigorated.” She paid tribute to her prede- cessor Mrs Roberts, also a CBE, who has been credited with overseeing significant growth at the college since becoming its principal in 2006.
TWO experienced paddle- boarders had to be rescued after getting caught in a fast-moving tide off Lepe. A Calshot RNLI crew was called out at around 1.25pm on Sunday as it prepared to launch for its second training exercise of the day. It was guided to the pair by the team at the National Coastwatch Institution’s Lepe Park base. They found them struggling to head back to shore, and re- turned the pair to the care of a Lymington coastguard rescue team. A post on the Calshot lifeboat Facebook page said: “Despite
their experience and capabili- ty, they were caught out by the 5.1-metre spring tide, showing that even experienced water users can get into difficulty and require assistance. “To give an indication of the strength of the current, in the time that it took to recover the casualties and their equipment, our lifeboat had drifted approx- imately half a mile.” Shortly after 2pm last Thurs- day, the Calshot crew also rushed to the aid of a swimmer in difficulty near the entrance to the Beaulieu River. The casualty was returned safely to shore.
Air Commodore ‘Polly’ Perkins is Brockenhurst College’s new principal
Ms Perkins said her career change was spurred by a wish to continue working closely with people and to bring the skills she has learnt working in com- plex environments to education. “The legacy that Di Roberts is leaving is enormous and I
want to carry it on,” she contin- ued. “I’d like to build resilience and continue to strive for edu- cational excellence for all. “The college is proud to be inclusive and aims to help everyone achieve their full po-
Man admits youth homophobic attack
Refusal of seafront bungalow upheld
A who launched a homophobic attack on a youth was handed a sus- pended jail sentence. Wayne Brown (47), of The Spinney, pleaded guilty to as- saulting the victim by beating at Calmore recreation ground, and sending him a grossly offen- sive text message. He also admitted harassing another man by phoning his work to make threats of vio- CALMORE man
lence towards him, and leaving offensive voicemails. Southampton magistrates said these were “nasty, hom- ophobic offences”, and sen- tenced Brown to a 16-week prison term, suspended for two years. In that time, the defendant must also participate in a pro- bation programme with su- pervision. The Bench ordered Brown to pay £207 costs.
A BUNGALOW will not be al- lowed on a small corner plot on Milford seafront after a govern- ment inspector supported New Forest District Council’s refusal of the plans. OPM Bournemouth Ltd wanted to erect a small bun- galow on the former plot of 9 Hurst Road, adjacent to four new, two-storey homes which it had recently completed.
It said the 0.03-hectare site could accommodate a small dwelling with parking and ac- cess, otherwise maintenance of the plot would be an ongoing li- ability to whoever owns it in the future. However, NFDC refused plan- ning permission saying the development would harm the street scene of the southern end of Sea Road. It also said visibil-
ity onto the highway would be inadequate. Now NFDC’s decision has been upheld by inspector Robin Buchanan who agreed the pro- posal would be “manifestly out of keeping” with the southern end of Sea Road and homes at the junction of Hurst Road. He said it would also lead to an “unacceptable” risk of road accidents at an
already complex junction. He added: “The proposal would therefore also signifi- cantly detract from these views towards the seafront and be- yond, including of the low café building which is an intrinsic part of the seafront, and ad- versely diminish the tangible sense and sequence of antici- pation then arrival at this focal point in the street scene.”
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